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Technical University of Crete
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 1156-1170 from 1877 Results
1156 E. Varouchakis and D. T. Hristopoulos.: "An application of spartan spatial random fields in geostatistical mapping of environmental pollutants", Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, in International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2004, pp.741-744.2015-11-07
1157 S. Yiannoudes, “An application of swarm robotics in architectural design”, in 2009 5th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, pp. 362-370. doi: 10.3233/978-1-60750-034-6-3622015-11-18
1158 I. Vallios, T. Tsoutsos and G. Papadakis, "An applied methodology for assessment of the sustainability of biomass district heating systems," Int. J. Sust. Energy, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 267-294, Mar. 2016. doi: 10.1080/14786451.2014.8950052018-11-02
1159 V. Markogianni, D. Kalvas, G.P. Petropoulos and E. Dimitriou, "An appraisal of the potential of Landsat 8 in estimating chlorophyll-a, ammonium concentrations and other water quality indicators," Rem. Sens., vol. 10, no. 7, Jul. 2018. doi: 10.3390/rs100710182019-09-03
1160 Ilektra Marazaki, "An approach of creating parametric solid models from scanned point cloud", Diploma Work, School of Production Engineering and Management, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20142014-10-06
1161 V. Diaz, G. A. Corzo Perez, H. A. J. Van Lanen, D. Solomatine, and E. A. Varouchakis, “An approach to characterise spatio-temporal drought dynamics,” Adv. Water Resour., vol. 137, Mar. 2020. doi: 10.1016/j.advwatres.2020.1035122021-09-10
1162 G. E. Kostakis, and A. K. Powell, "An approach to describing the topology of polynuclear clusters", Coordinat. Chem. Rev., vol. 253, no. 21-22, pp. 2686-2697, Nov. 2009. doi:10.1016/j.ccr.2009.05.0022015-12-03
1163 N. Papamanolis. (2000,July). An Approach to Natural Ventilation Conditions in Urban Apartment Block Buildings in Greece based on their Architectural and Constructional Characteristics. Presented at 7th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms. [Online]. Available:
1164 E. Marmaras and D. Dimelli, "An approach to the development possibilities of small Greek settlements: the case of Chania’s region in Crete", J. Socio-Econ. Issues, vol. 2, no. 2, June 2012.2015-11-25
1165 E. Marmaras and D. Dimelli, "An approach to the development possibilities of small Greek settlements: the case of Chania’s region in Crete," in 9th World Congress of Regional Science Association International "Changing Spatial Patterns in a Globalising World", 2012.2015-11-25
1166 N. Papamanolis. (2006,September). An Approach to the Effects of Environmental Change on Building Design and Construction. Presented at PLEA 2006. [Online]. Available:
1167 S. Loupasis and G.A. Papadakis, "An approach to the qualitative evaluation of safety management systems in major hazards sites", in Communicating Safety, SRDA-Safety, Reliability and Data Association, Warrington, UK: SRDA-R16, 1997, pp.159-169.2015-11-11
1168 Y. Gong, M. Paterakis, "An approximate performance fairness analysis of the pi-persistent protocol with destination release," Communications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 43, no. 5, pp. 1877 - 1880, 1995, doi: 10.1109/26.3874182015-11-19
1169 Stelios Sotiriadis, Euripides G.M. Petrakis, Stefan Covaci, Paolo Zampognaro, Eleni Georga, Christoph Thuemmler, "An Architecture for Designing Future Internet (FI) Applications in Sensitive Domains: Expressing the Software to Data Paradigm by Utilizing Hybrid Cloud Technology",in IEEE 13th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, 2013, pp. 1-6. doi:10.1109/BIBE.2013.67015782015-10-31
1170 G.Hatzisymeon, N. Houssos, D. Andreadis, V. Samoladas .(2005).An architecture for implementing application interoperation with heterogeneous systems.Presented at 5th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference.[online].Available:
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