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Technical University of Crete
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 1-6 from 6 Results - Architectures
1 N. Alachiotis, P. Skrimponis, M. Pissadakis and D. Pnevmatikatos, “Scalable phylogeny reconstruction with disaggregated near-memory processing,” ACM Trans. Reconfigurable Technol. Syst., vol. 15, no. 3, 2022, doi: 10.1145/3484983. 2024-02-26
2 Alexandros-Nikolaos Zafeirakopoulos, "Pro-active Automatic scaling support for Apache Flink in Kubernetes in the Cloud", Diploma Work, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 20222023-03-01
3 N. Tampouratzis, P. M. Mattheakis and I. Papaefstathiou, "Accelerating intercommunication in highly parallel systems," ACM T. Archit. Code Op., vol. 13, no. 4, Dec. 2016. doi: 10.1145/30057172018-06-28
4 S. Christodoulakis, "Optical Disk Architectures and Multimedia Applications", in Proceedings of Hypertext, 1989. 2015-11-25
5 S. Christodoulakis, "Optical Disk Architectures", in Proceedings of ACM SIGIR, 1989.2015-11-25
6 D. Dochev, R. Pavlov, O. Hutter, I. Simonics and P. Arapi, "Virtual campuses - architectures and design solutions", Cybern. and Inform. Techn., vol. 4. no. 1, pp. 54-64, 2004.2015-11-15