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 1-3 from 3 Results - Achilleos A.
1 E. Hapeshi, A. Achilleos, A. Papaioannou, L. Valanidou, N.P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos, D. Kassinos, "Sonolytic degradation of diclofenac and ofloxacin in aqueous solutions," presented at Xenobiotics in the Urban Water Cycle, Paphos, Cyprus, 2009. 2015-11-15
2 A. Achilleos, E. Hapeshi, N. P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos and D. Kassinos, "UV-A and solar photodegradation of ibuprofen and carbamazepine catalyzed by TiO2", Sep. Sci. Technol., vol. 45, no. 11, pp. 1564-1570, Jul. 2010. doi: 10.1080/01496395.2010.487463.2015-10-22
3 E. Hapeshi, A. Achilleos, A. Papaioannou, L. Valanidou, N.P. Xekoukoulotakis, D. Mantzavinos, D. Kassinos, Sonochemical degradation of ofloxacin in aqueous solutions, Water Science and Technology, Vol. 61, no. 12, pp. 3141-3146, 2010. doi:10.2166/wst.2010.921.2015-10-22