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 1-4 from 4 Results - Alan Chalmers
1 S. Ellis, K. Mania, A. Chalmers, M.Billinghurst, A.Steed ,"Usability evaluation techniques for virtual reality technologies,"in 2002 IEEE Virtual Real. ,pp.299-299.doi: 10.1109/VR.2002.9965472015-11-02
2 K. Mania, A. Chalmers .(1999). Between Real and Unreal: Investigating presence and task performance, the design of a pilot study.Presented at 2nd International Workshop in Presence.[online].Available:
3 K. Mania, T.Troscianko, R. Hawkes, A. Chalmers ,"Fidelity metrics for virtual environment simulations based on spatial memory awareness states ,"Presence: Teleop.s and Virtual Envir.,vol12,no.3 ,pp.296-310,Mar. 2006.doi:10.1162/1054746037658795492015-11-01
4 K. Mania, A. Chalmers ,"The effects of levels of immersion on memory and presence in virtual environments: A reality centered approach,"CyberPsychology & Beh.,vol. 4,no.2 ,pp.247-264,April.2001.doi:10.1089/109493101300117938.2015-11-01