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 1-3 from 3 Results - Aggelos Bletsas
1 A. Bletsas, H. Shin and M.Z. Win, "Outage Optimality of Amplify-and-Forward Opportunistic Relaying", IEEE Communications Letters (CL), Vol. 11, No. 3, March 2007. 2015-10-05
2 A. Bletsas and A. Lippman, "Implementing Cooperative Diversity Antenna Arrays with Commodity Hardware", IEEE Communications Magazine (COMMAG), Vol. 44, No. 12, pp. 33-40, December 2006.2015-10-05
3 A. Bletsas, "Evaluation of Kalman Filtering for Network Time Keeping", IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (TUFFC), Vol. 52, Issue 9, pp. 1452-1460, September 2005. 2015-10-05