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Autonomous robots, drones and repeaters for fast, reliable, low-cost RFID inventorying & localization

Dimitriou Antonis, Tzitzis Anastasios, Filotheou Alexandros, Megalou Spyros, Siachalou Stavroula, Chatzistefanou Aristidis R., Malama Andreana, Tsardoulias, Emmanouil, Panayiotou Konstantinos, Giannelos Evangelos, Vasiliadis Thodoris, Mouroutsos Ioannis, Karanikas Ioannis, Petrou Loukas, Symeonidis, Andreas L, Sahalos, John N, Yioultsis Traianos, Bletsas Aggelos

Simple record

Extent6 pagesen
TitleAutonomous robots, drones and repeaters for fast, reliable, low-cost RFID inventorying & localizationen
CreatorDimitriou Antonisen
CreatorTzitzis Anastasiosen
CreatorFilotheou Alexandrosen
CreatorMegalou Spyrosen
CreatorSiachalou Stavroulaen
CreatorChatzistefanou Aristidis R.en
CreatorMalama Andreanaen
CreatorTsardoulias, Emmanouilen
CreatorPanayiotou Konstantinosen
CreatorGiannelos Evangelosen
CreatorΓιαννελος Ευαγγελοςel
CreatorVasiliadis Thodorisen
CreatorMouroutsos Ioannisen
CreatorKaranikas Ioannisen
CreatorPetrou Loukasen
CreatorSymeonidis, Andreas Len
CreatorSahalos, John Nen
CreatorYioultsis Traianosen
CreatorBletsas Aggelosen
CreatorΜπλετσας Αγγελοςel
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineersen
Content SummaryThis paper presents our latest results of our prototype robots and drones, aiming continuous inventorying and accurate real-time 3D localization of RFID tagged items. We have designed and constructed two ground robots, capable of autonomous inventorying in unknown regions, exploiting state-of-the-art methods from the field of robotics and RF-localization. Furthermore, we present our prototype drone, also capable of 3D inventorying and localization. In addition, we demonstrate the performance of our prototype RFID repeater, which also boosts the read-range of traditional RFID technology. The results of measurements campaigns conducted in different environments for the above prototypes are presented herein.en
Type of ItemΔημοσίευση σε Συνέδριοel
Type of ItemConference Publicationen
Date of Item2023-05-19-
Date of Publication2021-
SubjectInternet of Thingsen
Bibliographic CitationA. Dimitriou, A. Tzitzis, A. Filotheou, S. Megalou, S. Siachalou, A. R. Chatzistefanou, A. Malama, E. Tsardoulias, K. Panayiotou, E. Giannelos, T. Vasiliadis, I. Mouroutsos, I. Karanikas, L. Petrou, A. Symeonidis, J. Sahalos, T. Yioultsis and A. Bletsas, "Autonomous robots, drones and repeaters for fast, reliable, low-cost RFID inventorying & localization," presented at the 2021 6th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech), Bol and Split, Croatia, 2021, doi: 10.23919/SpliTech52315.2021.9566425.en

