Stavros Lyronis, "Desing and implementing network security primitives for core 5G infrastracture", Diploma Work, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2022
We live in an era where modern networking has become a constant battlefield be-tween hackers and cyber-security operators. Malicious users launch attacks in anyinternet facing system that shows vulnerabilities. Due to the growth of the rateof these attacks, the former naive stationary approaches on computer security arebeing abandoned and the need for a new mobile way to defend is required. By tak-ing advantage of Active Networks, the PRINCIPALS project introduces a novelarchitecture for safe programmability and adaptability in 5G networks. In thisthesis we develop five network security primitives for core 5G infrastructure andsome language security techniques that will be used in the PRINCIPALS project.These network security primitives will be addressing current and anticipated se-curity problems in 5G networks, through custom-yet-adaptive logic expressed ascode. This code, tested and evaluated, will be containerised and deployed insidethe Active Management Environment (AME) that PRINCIPALS provides. Theapplication of language security techniques that are also implemented in this the-sis will set an upper-bound limit on what actions the code-carrying packets usedin PRINCIPALS can take. In this way the flexibility and adaptability will besecured, while maintaining security in the 5G Network.