Tryfonas Kiaitsis, "Computer modeling of gravitational oil fields: The case of
an offshore Greek reservoir", Diploma Thesis, School of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2022
Reservoir fluids are considered to be in a state of equilibrium before thestart of production. In some cases the gravitational forces are considerable withrespect to the equilibrium compositions with depth. Thick reservoirs withvolatile oil and significant vertical permeability are especially prone tocomponent segregation with depth, even if no phase change is observed. Such compositional variations can lead to considerable errors in the estimation of the quantity of oil initially in place, as well as to non-optimum exploitationmethods.After thorough research of the existing literature, simulation software in theMATLAB® computing environment was developed for the estimation ofequilibrium compositions with depth in gravitational oilfields. The softwareused a cubic EOS coupled with an isothermal GCE algorithm to simulate thecase of a Greek oilfield reservoir located in the Mediterranean Sea. An EOS fluidcharacterization was developed by tuning the EOS to match measured datafrom conventional PVT experiments. The simulation results were comparedwith the ones derived from commercial PVT software. The comparisonindicated that the developed software can accurately predict variations inpressure and fluid composition along the depth of the reservoir.