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Techno-economic assessment of landfill gas (LFG) to electric energy: selection of the optimal technology through field-study and model simulation

Manasaki Virginia, Palogos Ioannis, Chourdakis Ioannis, Tsafantakis Konstantinos, Gikas Petros

Απλή Εγγραφή

Μέγεθος11 pagesen
ΤίτλοςTechno-economic assessment of landfill gas (LFG) to electric energy: selection of the optimal technology through field-study and model simulationen
ΔημιουργόςManasaki Virginiaen
ΔημιουργόςΜανασακη Βιργινιαel
ΔημιουργόςPalogos Ioannisen
ΔημιουργόςΠαλογος Ιωαννηςel
ΔημιουργόςChourdakis Ioannisen
ΔημιουργόςΧουρδακης Ιωαννηςel
ΔημιουργόςTsafantakis Konstantinosen
ΔημιουργόςΤσαφαντακης Κωνσταντινοςel
ΔημιουργόςGikas Petrosen
ΔημιουργόςΓκικας Πετροςel
ΠερίληψηLandfill Gas (LFG) is a renewable energy resource. LFG quality and production rate are determined factors for the selection of the optimal technology for electric energy production. Environmental legislation, flue gas emissions, carbon footprint and maturity of technology should also be considered. The most common process for electric energy production from LFG is by Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs), which require approximately 40% minimum methane concentration. Microturbines have been also employed for electric energy production from LFG, requiring minimum methane concentration of approximately 35%. On the other hand, a relatively novel process, Gradual Oxidation (GO), can produce electric energy from LFG at methane concentrations as low as 1.5%. The present study examines the applicability of the above technologies for electric energy production from LFG, from various cells, at the landfill of Heraklion, Crete, Greece, from an economic point of view. The LandGEM (EPA) simulation model has been modified to account for the long them reduction of methane concentration in LFG, and has been adjusted, based on field measurements. The Net Present Values (NPVs) (for 15-years and 25-years from installation) for three distinct scenarios, with total electric energy production capacity of 800 kW, per scenario (using just ICEs, combination of ICE and GO or just microturbines), were calculated. The results indicated that the most profitable scenario (among the ones studied) was the one with the use of two microturbines with capacity 400 kW, each, yielding 15-years and 25-yeasr NPVs of 2.68 and 3.69 M€, respectively, for initial capital investment of 2.24 M€.en
ΤύποςPeer-Reviewed Journal Publicationen
ΤύποςΔημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτέςel
Άδεια Χρήσηςhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/en
Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης2021-
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαLandfill biogasen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαWaste to energyen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαLandGEMen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαInternal combustion engineen
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαGradual oxidizeren
Θεματική ΚατηγορίαMicroturbineen
Βιβλιογραφική ΑναφοράV. Manasaki, I. Palogos, I. Chourdakis, K. Tsafantakis, and P. Gikas, “Techno-economic assessment of landfill gas (LFG) to electric energy: selection of the optimal technology through field-study and model simulation,” Chemosphere, vol. 269, Apr. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128688.en

