Το work with title Development of a web-based information system for the documentation and exploitation of the learning outcomes of university courses by Xanthakis Emmanouil is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
Emmanouil Xanthakis, "Development of a web-based information system for the documentation and exploitation of the learning outcomes of university courses", Diploma Work, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece, 2020
Assessment and continuous improvement are essential and critical processes for higher education. The Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) has recommended a revised set of accreditation criteria which is designed to assure that graduates of accredited programs are prepared to enter the practice of engineering. Thus, we propose a web-based information system, which is an extension of an existing system, which allows the association of the learning outcomes of courses with the outcomes of the ABET Criterion 3 (Student Outcomes) at course, department and institution level and is available at https://perigrammata.tuc.gr. The proposed system offers services, in the formof a recommender system, to the students, who can plan their courses selection, based on the skills they want to enhance and also informs about the reinforcement rates for ABET achievements of the courses that they have successfully attended. It allows instructors to export the course outlines (according to the Quality Assurance and Certification Authority in Higher Education, ADIP*) to standard formats (e.g. pdf, HTML) and the documentation of the learning outcomes of their courses according to the standards of ABET accreditation.* In January 2020, the Authority was renamed to Hellenic Authority for HigherEducation (HAHE), but for consistency reasons we use only the term ADIP in the text.