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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 76-90 από 161 αποτελέσματα
76 S. Christodoulakis, A. Karanastasi, J. Koehler, K. Biatov, T. Catarci and S. Kimani, "Natural Language and Speech Interfaces to Knowledge Repositories", in 9th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, September 2005. 2015-11-24
77 H. Eidenberger, S. Boll, S. Christodoulakis, D. Divotkey, K. Leopold, A. Martin, A. Perego, A. Scherp and C. Tsinaraki, "Towards Integrated Authoring, Annotation, Retrieval, Adaptation, Personalization and Delivery of Multimedia Content", In the proceedings of the 1st DELOS Conference, February 2007, pp. 87-103.2015-11-24
78 C. Tsinaraki and S. Christodoulakis, "Support for Interoperability between OWL based and XML Schema based Applications", in 2nd DELOS Conference On Digital Libraries, December 2007.2015-11-24
79 L. Ragia and S. Christodoulakis, "A model for mobile multimedia capturing," in 2nd World Summit on the Knowledge Society, 2009, pp. 386–394. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-04754-1_402015-11-24
80 S. Christodoulakis, M. Foukarakis, C. Tsinaraki, L. Ragia and E. Kanellidi, "Contextual geospatial picture understanding, management and visualization," in 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, 2013, pp. 156-160. doi: 10.1145/2536853.25369382015-11-24
81 C. Tsinaraki, G. Skevakis, I. Trochatou and S. Christodoulakis, "MoM-NOCS: Management of Mobile Multimedia Nature Observations using Crowd Sourcing", in the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, 2013.2015-11-24
82 S. Christodoulakis, P. Kontogiannis, P. Petridis, N. Moumoutzis, M. Anastasiadis and T. Margazas, "MINOTAURUS: A Distributed Multimedia Tourism Information System", in Proceedings of the International Conference in Edinburgh, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1997, pp. 295-306.2015-11-16
83 N. Moumoutzis, M. Christoulakis, P. Arapi, M. Mylonakis and S. Christodoulakis, "The IQTOOL project: developing a quality assurance tool for elearning", in the LOGOS Open Conference `New Technology Platforms for Learning - Revisited`, 19-20 January 2009, Budapest, Hungary.2015-11-16
84 M. Christoulakis, A. Pitsiladis, A. Moraiti, N. Moumoutzis and S. Christodoulakis, "EShadow A Tool for Digital Storytelling Based on Traditional Greek Shadow Theatre", in 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion on Foundations of Digital Games Conference, 2013. 2015-11-16
85 C. Binding, G. Brettlecker, T. Catarci, S. Christodoulakis, T. Crecelius, N. Gioldasis, H-C. Jetter, M. Kacimi, D. Milano, P. Ranaldi, H. Reiterer, G. Santucci H-J. Schek, H. Schuldt, D. Tudhope and G. Weikum, "DelosDLMS: Infrastructure and Services forFuture Digital Library Systems", presented at 2nd DELOS Conference On Digital Libraries, Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 2007. 2015-11-15
86 P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, Y. Maragoudakis and S. Christodoulakis, "Extending existing e-Learning platforms to support automatic conversion of learning content to SCORM", in Joint KNOSOS-CHIRON Workshop “e-Learning Solutions–On the Way to Ubiquitous Applications, May 2005, Sandanski, Bulgaria.2015-11-15
87 G. Skevakis, K. Makris, P. Arapi and S. Christodoulakis, "Elevating natural history museums' cultural collections to the linked data cloud", in 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives (SDA), in conjunction with the 17th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 2013, pp. 40-51.2015-11-15
88 P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, M. Mylonakis and S. Christodoulakis, "A pedagogy-driven personalization framework to support adaptive learning experiences", in the Seventh IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, July 2007. 10.1109/ICALT.2007.27 2015-11-15
89 K. Makris, G. Skevakis, V. Kalokyri, P. Arapi and S. Christodoulakis, "Metadata management and interoperability support for natural history museums", in 2013 TPDL: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL), pp. 120-131. doi. 10.1007/978-3-642-40501-32015-11-15
90 M. Mylonakis, P. Arapi, N. Moumoutzis, S. Christodoulakis and M. Ampartzaki, "Octopus: A collaborative environment supporting the development of effective instructional design", in 2013 Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education, doi. 10.1109/ICeLeTE.2013.6644385 2015-11-15
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