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Distributed Multimedia Information Systems and Applications Laboratory

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 256-270 out of 335 results
256 G. Stylianakis, P. Arapi, N.Moumoutzis, S. Christodoulakis ,CoLearn: Real time collaborative learning environment ", In 2013 Int.Conf on E-Lea. and E-Tech. in Educ., pp.13 - 18.doi : 10.1109/ICeLeTE.2013.66443402015-10-03
257 M.Christoulakis , A. Pitsiladis , P.Stergiopoulos , N. Moumoutzis ,A.Moraiti ,G.Maragkoudakis ,S. Christodoulakis ,"When eShadow met Alice and Akritans " ,in ALICE International Conference, 2013.2015-10-03
258 N.Moumoutzis , M.Christoulakis , A.Pitsiladis , G. Sifakis, I. Maragoudakis, S.Christodoulakis ,"The ALICE experience: A learning framework to promote gaming literacy for educators and its refinement ",In the International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL) ,pp. 257 - 261 .doi :10.1109/IMCTL.2014.70111432015-10-03
259 G. Stylianakis , N. Moumoutzis , P. Arapi , M. Mylonakis , S. Christodoulakis ,"COLearn and open discovery space portal alignment: A case of enriching open learning infrastructures with collaborative learning capabilities ",In the Int. Conf. on Inter. Mob. Com. Techn. and Learn. (IMCL) ,pp.252 - 256.doi :10.1109/IMCTL.2014.70112015-10-03
260 S. Christodoulakis ," Contextual visualization and interaction", in ISIS 2014 Conference, 2014.2015-10-03
261 N. Bikakis , C.Tsinaraki , I. Stavrakantonakis , S. Christodoulakis ,"Supporting SPARQL update queries in RDF-XML integration",in 13th International Semantic Web Conference ,2014.2015-10-03
262 S, Christodoulakis ,"Trends in digital cultural heritage management and applications ",in Fourth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage ,2014. 2015-10-03
263 C. Kyfonidis , N. Moumoutzis , S. Christodoulakis ,"Block-C: A block-based visual environment for supporting the teaching of C programming language to novices",in 9th International Conference “New Horizons in Industry, Business and Education”, ,2015 .2015-10-03
264 N. Moumoutzis, A. Moraiti, M. Christoulakis, A. Pitsiladis, I. Maragoudakis, G. Sifakis and S. Christodoulakis, "Cross-curricular approaches for digital storytelling with eShadow," presented at the 2nd Conference for the Free and Open Source Software in Education, Chania, Greece, 2015. 2015-10-02
265 S.Christodoulakis, F. Ho, M. Theodoridou, M. Papa and A. Pathria," Multimedia document presentation, information extraction and document formation in Minos: a model and a system", ACM Trans. Inf. Syst., vol. 4, no. 4, pp.345-383, Oct. 1986. doi: 10.1145/9760.97642015-10-02
266 Y. Manolopoulos , S, Christodoulakis ,File organizations with shared overflow blocks for variable length objects ", Inf. syst. vol. 17,no. 6 ,pp.491-509,1992.doi:10.1016/0306-4379(92)90028-L2015-10-02
267 J. Gemmell ,S. Christodoulakis ,"Principles of delay-sensitive multimedia data storage retrieval ",ACM Trans. on Info. Syst. ,vol. 10,no.1 ,pp. 51-90,1992.doi:10.1145/128756.1287582015-10-02
268 Y. Ioannidis , S. Christodoulakis , " Optimal histograms for limiting worst-case error propagation in the size of join results",ACM Trans. on Datab. Syst. , vol. 18 ,no. 4 ,pp. 709-748,1993 .doi : 10.1145/169725.1697082015-10-02
269 N/A for this language2015-10-02
270 P.Triantafillou , S. Christodoulakis , "Research and development issues for large-scale multimedia information systems ",CM Comp. Surv.,vol. 27 ,no.4 ,pp.576-579,1995.doi: 10.1145/234782.2347932015-10-02
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