Ιδρυματικό Αποθετήριο [SANDBOX]
Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 1291-1305 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
1291 L. Raisi, M. Lazaridis, E. Katsivela ," Relationship between viable airbornemicrobial and inhalable particulate matter concentrations in the ambient air,"in 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists,2009.2015-11-13
1292 Μ. Lianou, M. Lazaridis, I. G. Kavouras ," Activities affecting the indoor particle number concentration in 35 residencies in Athens,"in 7th International Conference on Air Quality - Science and Application,2009.2015-11-13
1293 B. Giechaskiel, M. Lazaridis , Y. Drossinos,"Particle activation probability in n-butanol based condensation particle counters,"in 8th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,2009.2015-11-13
1294 Z. Wagner, J. Schwarz, V. Zdimal, K. Eleftheriadis, M. Lazaridis , J. Smolik ,"Analysis of time evolution of particle size distribution,"in 18th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,2009.2015-11-13
1295 E. Halvadzaki ,M. Lazaridis .(2009). Assessment of emissions of air pollutants from the Akrotiri landfill site (Chania).Presented at 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology .[online].Available : http://www.srcosmos.gr/srcosmos/showpub.aspx?aa=126012015-11-13
1296 M.G. Lagoudakis, V. Markakis, D. Kempee, P. Keskinocak, S. Koenig, C.Tovey, A. Kleywegt, A. Meyerson, and S. Jain. (2005, June). Auction-based multi-robot routing. [Online]. Available: http://www-bcf.usc.edu/~dkempe/publications/auction-routing.pdf2015-11-13
1297 N. Patrikis, M. Lazaridis, E. Katsivela ,"Antibiotic resistance in airborne viable microorganisms,"in 3rd Congress of European Microbiologists,2009.2015-11-13
1298 M. G. Lagoudakis, “On Improving Mobile Robot Motion Control,” in 4thHellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN), 2006, pp. 551–554. doi:10.1007/11752912_662015-11-13
1299 N. Papamanolis, "The Contribution of Built Environment to the Formation of Urban Climate in Greek Cities," presented at International Conference on Urban Climate and Historyof Meteorology, Firenze,Italy, 2013.2015-11-13
1300 S.Koenig, C.Tovey, M.G. Lagoudakis, V.Markakis, D.Kempee, P.Keskinocak, A.Kleywegt, A.Meyerson, and S.Jain. (2006 July). The power of sequential single-item auctions for agent coordination.[Online]. Available: http://www.aaai.org/Papers/AAAI/2006/AAAI06-266.pdf2015-11-13
1301 Ν. Παπαμανώλης, "Εφαρμογές Βελτίωσης της Ενεργειακής Απόδοσης Κτιρίων Πολιτιστικής Κληρονομιάς," στο Επιστημονικό Διήμερο «Κτίριο και Ενέργεια», Ξάνθη, Ελλάδα, 2012.2015-11-13
1302 M. G. Lagoudakis, “Incremental multi-objective motion control of nonholonomic mobile robots,” in 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp. 2804–2809. doi:10.1109/IROS.2006.2820632015-11-13
1303 N. Papamanolis, M. Mandalaki, "Technologies and Sustainable Policies for Decreasing Energy Consumption in Buildings in Greece,"presented at PLEA 2011, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, 2011.2015-11-13
1304 Ν. Παπαμανώλης, "Η Διδασκαλία των Μαθημάτων Αρχιτεκτονικής Τεχνολογίας στο Νέο Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτονικής του Πολυτεχνείου Κρήτης, Στο 11ο ΠανελλήνιοΑρχιτεκτονικό Συνέδριο, Αθήνα,Ελλάδα, 2011.2015-11-13
1305 G. Kontes and M. G. Lagoudakis, “Coordinated team play in the robocup four-legged league,” in 19th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2007, pp. 109–116. doi:10.1109/ROBIO.2007.45222962015-11-13
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