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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 571-585 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
571 A. Nikolaou, N. Mavredakis, M. Bucher, P. Habas, A. Acovic and R. Meyer, "Statistical analysis of 1/f noise in enclosed-gate N- and PMOS transistors," in International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, 2017. doi : 10.1109/ICNF.2017.79860182018-04-25
572 M. Coustans, F. Jazaeri, C. Enz, F. Krummenacher, M. Kayal, R. Meyer, A. Acovic, P. Habaš, J. Lolivier and M. Bucher, "Variability of low frequency noise and mismatch in CORNER DOPED and standard CMOS technology," in International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, 2017. doi : 10.1109/ICNF.2017.79859532018-04-25
573 N. Mavredakis, M. Bucher, P. Habas, A. Acovic and R. Meyer, "Statistical compact modeling of low frequency noise in buried-channel, native, and standard MOSFETs," in International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, 2017. doi: 10.1109/ICNF.2017.79859422018-04-25
574 N. Giatrakos, A. Artikis, A. Deligiannakis and M. Garofalakis, "Complex event recognition in the big data era," in 43rd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, 2017, pp. 1996-1999. doi: 10.14778/3137765.31378292018-04-23
575 C. Pasquale, S. Sacone, S. Siri and M. Papageorgiou, "A nonlinear optimal control approach to reduce travel times and to improve safety in freeway traffic systems," in 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, pp. 633-638. doi: 10.1109/MTITS.2017.80055902018-04-18
576 A. Papadimitriou and M. Bucher, "Optimization of RF low noise amplifier design using analytical model and genetic computation," in 24th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2017, pp. 302-307. doi: 10.23919/MIXDES.2017.80052202018-04-18
577 G. Hatzivasilis, I. Papaefstathiou, K. Fysarakis and I. Askoxylakis, "SecRoute: End-to-end secure communications for wireless ad-hoc networks," in IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, 2017, pp. 558-563. doi:10.1109/ISCC.2017.80245872018-04-16
578 G. Perraki, C. Roncoli, I. Papamichail and M. Papageorgiou, "Evaluation of an MPC strategy for motorway traffic comprising connected and automated vehicles," ΙΝ IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, pp. 2315-2321, 2017. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.83176352018-04-16
579 M. Kontorinaki, I. Karafyllis, M. Papageorgiou and Y. Wang, "An adaptive control scheme for local and coordinated ramp metering," in IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems pp. 1654-1660, 2017. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.83175932018-04-16
580 S. Papadopoulou, C. Roncoli, N. Bekiaris-Liberis, I. Papamichail and M. Papageorgiou, "Validation of a per-lane traffic state estimation scheme for highways with connected vehicles," in IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, pp. 1053-1059. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.83177042018-04-16
581 N. Bekiaris-Liberis, C. Roncoli and M. Papageorgiou, "Structural observability of multi-lane traffic with connected vehicles," in IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, pp. 185-192. doi: 10.1109/ITSC.2017.83176342018-04-16
582 I. Papamichail, G.-R. Iordanidou, C. Roncoli and M. Papageorgiou, "Integrated motorway traffic flow control," presented at 8th International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2017.2018-04-16
583 N. Bekiaris-Liberis, C. Roncoli and M. Papageorgiou, "Traffic state estimation per lane in highways with connected vehicles," in 20th EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, 2017, pp. 921-928. doi: 10.1016/j.trpro.2017.12.0572018-04-16
584 M. Kontorinaki, I. Karafyllis and M. Papageorgiou, "Nonlinear feedback control for general acyclic traffic networks," in 20th IFAC World Congress, 2017, pp. 5448-5455. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.6132018-04-16
585 A. Spiliopoulou, G. Perraki, M. Papageorgiou and C. Roncoli, "Exploitation of ACC systems towards improved traffic flow efficiency on motorways," in 5th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, pp. 37-43. doi: 10.1109/MTITS.2017.80057062018-04-16
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