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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 2026-2040 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
2026 E. Koutroulis, F. Blaabjerg, “Design optimization of grid-connected PVinverters”, in 2006 26th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electr. Conf. and Exposition(APEC), pp. 691-698.doi: 10.1109/APEC.2011.57446712015-11-08
2027 S. P. Mertikas, E. C. Pavlis, P. G. Drakopoulos, K. Palamartchouk ,E.Koutroulis, “GAVDOS: A satellite radar altimeter calibration and sea-levelmonitoring site on the island of Gavdos, Crete”, in the 3rdInternational Conference on EuroGOOS,2002, pp. 258-264.2015-11-08
2028 G. Giannakis,N. Kourgialas, N.V. Paranychianakis, N.P. Nikolaidis, N. Kalogerakis, "Effects of solid waste compost on vegetable growth and metal accumulation," presented at 5th European Bioremediation Conference, Crete, Greece , 2011.2015-11-07
2029 I. Livaniou, E. Paleologos, N. Paranychianakis," Water needs in coastallocations for sustainable agricultural and touristic developments," presented at Protection and Restoration of the Environment X, Corfu, Greece, 2010.2015-11-07
2030 I.E. Kapellakis, N.V. Paranychianakis, K.P. Tsagarakis, A.N. Angelakis , "Treatment of olive mill wastewater with constructed wetlands asset management ofmedium and small wastewater utilities," in 2009 International Water Association ( IWA), pp. 260-271. doi:10.3390/w40102602015-11-07
2031 A. Angelakis, N. Paranychianakis," Statistics on water and wastewater sectorsfrom European countries," presented at 2nd International Conference on Water Economics, Statistics,and Finance, International Water Association, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2009.2015-11-07
2032 G. Rovithakis, V. Gaganis, S. Perrakis and M. Christodoulou, “A neural network approach in manufacturing cell dynamics modeling”, in 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on NewDirections in Control and Automation, 1996.2015-11-07
2033 G. Rovithakis, V. Gaganis, S. Perrakis and M. Christodoulou, “Identification ofmanufacturing cell dynamics using recurrent neural networks”, in ASI’96 Conference, 1996.2015-11-07
2034 R. Vasilaki, N.Paranyc hianakis, V. Gekas, (2008, Oct.). The threat of desertification in the island of Crete: Current status, future trends and management practices. Presented at 2nd SEAS/IASME International Conference on Renewable energy sources (RES ’08).[Online]. Available: http://www.wseas.us/e-library/conferences/2008/corfu/res/res34.pdf2015-11-07
2035 V.S. Kouikoglou ," A two-stage production system with several modes of operation,"in First International Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Production Lines,1997.2015-11-07
2036 M. Christodoulou and V. Gaganis, “Determining manufacturing cell topology usingneural networks”, in 4th IEEE Med. Symposium on New Directions in Control andAutomation, 1996.2015-11-07
2037 V.E. Tzanakakis, N.V. Paranychianakis, A.N. Angelakis, "Optimization ofnutrient phytoremediation in land treatment systems by using different plant species," presented at 4th European Bioremediation Conference,Chania, Greece, 2008 .2015-11-07
2038 V. Gaganis, A. Zhsimopoulos, P. Nikolakopoulos and C. Papadopoulos, “ResponseCalculation of Piece-Wise Linear Rotating Rotor-Bearing Systems Using Modal Analysis”, in 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1996.2015-11-07
2039 V. S. kouikoglou.(2001).An efficient discrete event model of unreliable production lines.Presented at 3rd Aegean International Conference on Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems.[online].Available:http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/aic2001/papers/Kouikoglou.ps2015-11-07
2040 V. Gaganis, A. Zhsimopoulos, P. Nikolakopoulos and C. Papadopoulos, “Responsecalculation of rotating rotor-bearing system using a simplified modal analysis”, in 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1996.2015-11-07
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