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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 1726-1740 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
1726 N. Matsatsinis, K. Lakiotaki, E. Krassadaki, "Students behaviour in peerassessment (PA): a multi-criteria clustering approach", in 1st National Conference of the Hellenic Mathematical Society and Hellenic Operational Research Society, 24-26 June 2011.2015-11-10
1727 E. Krassadaki, G. Volanis, K. Yannis, C. Kokas, K. Kirlakis, E. Grigoroudis andN.Ν. Matsatsinis", "A multi-criteria measuring of confidence in the stateinstitutions and governance," presented at 23rd National Conference of the Hellenic Operational Research Society, Athens, Greece, 2012.2015-11-10
1728 K. Tyrovola, N.P. Nikolaidis, (2007,September). Adsorption and release of arsenic from soils in geothermal fields- Stabilization with zero valent iron. Presented at 10th International Conference on the Environmental Science and Technology. [Online]. Available: https://clu-in.org/products/tins/tinsone.cfm?id=36767319&query=%22arsenic%22&numresults=25&startrow=762015-11-10
1729 G. N. Karystinos, D. A. Pados, S. N. Batalama, and J. D. Matyjas, “Auxiliary-vector detection on measured radar data,” in Proc. 2008 IEEE Radar Conference, pp. 1134-1138, doi: 10.1109/RADAR.2008.47209202015-11-10
1730 E. Krassadaki, E. Tsifetakis and N.Ν. Matsatsinis, "A Multicriteria Methodologyfor Non-Technical Skills Assessment of pilots at military aviation". in 9th Multi-Criteria Decision Aid Meeting, 11-13 October 2012.2015-11-10
1731 D. Mantzavinos, E. Diamadopoulos and N. P. Nikolaidis, "Environmental engineering curriculum at the Technical University of Crete, Greece," presented at International Conference on Engineering Education, Coimbra, Portugal, 2007.2015-11-10
1732 N. Matsatsinis, E. Krassadaki and E. Grigoroudis, "A multi-criteria comparativeassessment of an engineering department," presented at Conference ‘Assurance and Quality Management in Higher Education. Management and Good Practices’, Athens, Greece, 2012.2015-11-10
1733 G. N. Karystinos and A. P. Liavas, “Quadratic form maximization over the binary field with polynomial complexity,” inProc. IEEE - Intern. Symp. Inform. Theory,(ISIT '08) pp. 2449-2453, doi: 10.1109/ISIT.2008.45954312015-11-10
1734 E. Krassadaki and N.F. Matsatsinis, "Decision aiding process in the frame of the strategic farm management", in 4th International Symposium & 26th National Conference on Operational Research, June 4-6 2015.2015-11-10
1735 D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos, “Efficient maximum-likelihood noncoherent orthogonal STBC detection,”in Proc. 2008 Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, pp. 294-3002015-11-10
1736 D. S. Papailiopoulos and G. N. Karystinos, “Optimal OSTBC sequence detection over unknown correlated fading channels,”in Proc. 2009 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp.1441-1445.2015-11-10
1737 K. R. Dalbey and G. N. Karystinos, “Fast generation of low discrepancy spacefilling Latin hypercube sample designs,” in SEM IMAC XXIX Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2011.2015-11-10
1738 O. TZORAKI, N. P. NIKOLAIDIS, D. EFSTATHIOU, D. MORAETIS, D. KOUVAS, J. L.SCHNOOR, 'Water Resources CyberManagement of Temporary Rivers," presented at EWRA Symposium, Chania, Greece, 2007.2015-11-10
1739 O. TZORAKI, N. NIKOLAIDIS, A. TRANCOSO, F. BRAUNSCHWEIG and R. NEVES,"A Generalized Reach–Scale Biogeochemical Model for Temporary Rivers," presented at EWRA Symposium, Chania, Greece, 2007.2015-11-10
1740 Φ. ΣΤΑΜΑΤΗ, Ο. ΤΖΩΡΑΚΗ, Ν. ΝΙΚΟΛΑΙΔΗΣ, Κ. ΒΟΖΙΝΑΚΗΣ, "Μοντελοποίηση των Εκφορτίσεων του Καρστικού Συστήματος των Λευκών Ορέων στην Κρήτη," στο 6ο Εθνικό Συνέδριο Ελληνικής Επιτροπής Διαχείρισης Υδατικών Πόρων, Χανιά, Κρήτη, 2007.2015-11-10
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