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 1471-1485 out of 3123 results
1471 T. Glytsos, V. Aleksandropoulou, J. Smolik , M. Lazaridis," Estimating the strength of indoor sources using a comprehensive microenvironmnetal model,"in European Aerosol Conference,2005,pp. 533-533.2015-11-12
1472 K. Papadimitriou and A. Dollas, "Performance evaluation of a preloading model in dynamically reconfigurable processors," in IEEE International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Aplications, 2006, pp. 901-904.2015-11-12
1473 M. Lazaridis, V. Aleksandropoulou, J. Smolik, T. Glytsos, E. Katsivela ,E. Dahlin,"Indoor/outdoor particulate matter physicochemical characteristics in two residential houses,"in European Aerosol Conference ,2005.2015-11-12
1474 K. Papadimitriou, A. Anyfantis and A. Dollas, "Methodology and experimental setup for the determination of system-level dynamic reconfiguration overhead," in IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2007, pp. 335-336.2015-11-12
1475 M. Lazaridis, V. Aleksandropoulou, E. Dahlin, J. Smolík, J. E. Hansen, P. Moravec, V. Ždímal , O. Hermansen, K. Eleftheriadis, T. Glytsos, C. Dye," Characterization of indoor/outdoor particulate matter physico-chemical characteristics in two residential houses in Oslo, Norway: An Overview,"in 5th International Conference on Urban Air Quality,2005.2015-11-12
1476 T. Glytsos, V. Aleksandropoulou, J. Smolik , M. Lazaridis," Indoor/outdoor exposure to particulate matter in the Oslo Metropolitan Area, Norway," Urban Air Quality Conference ,2005.2015-11-12
1477 J. Smolík, V. Ždímal, J. Schwarz, M. Lazaridis, P. Dohányosová," Indoor/Outdoor aerosol measurements at different activities indoors,"in Urban Air Quality Conference,2005.2015-11-12
1478 V. Aleksandropoulou, C. Mitsakou, C. Housiadas , M. Lazaridis,"Dose assessment based on realistic exposure scenarios in Oslo,"in European Aerosol Conference,2004. 2015-11-12
1479 J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, J. Schwarz, M. Lazaridis," Characterisation of indoor/outdoor PM in suburban area of Prague: Chemical and elemental size," in European Aerosol Conference,2004.2015-11-12
1480 J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, J. Schwarz, D. Brus , M. Lazaridis," Characterisation of indoor/outdoor PM in suburban area of Prague: Time and size resolved PM concentrations,"in European Aerosol Conference,2004.2015-11-12
1481 K. Eleftheriadis, S. Vratolis, C. Mitsakou, I. Colbeck, C. Housiadas,M. Lazaridis," Impact of findoor household activities on the size distribution of fine aerosol number concentration and case specific calculated inhaled dose,"in European Aerosol Conference, 2004.2015-11-12
1482 N. Kalogerakis, D. Paschali, V. Lekaditis, A. Pantidou, K. Eleftheriadis , M. Lazaridis," Indoor Air quality – bioaerosol measurements," in International Conference for the Protection and Restoration of the Environment VII.,2004.2015-11-12
1483 J. G. Bartzis, S. Andronopoulos, M. Kulmala, B. Larsen, M. Lazaridis, C. Lohse, P. Mirabel , C. Pilinis," The BOND project: The Marseille and Athens experimental campaign,"in European Aerosol Conference ,2004.2015-11-12
1484 A. Ilias, K. Papadimitriou and A. Dollas, "Combining duplication, partial reconfiguration and software for on-line error diagnosis and recovery in SRAM-based FPGAs," in IEEE International Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines, 2010, pp. 73-76.2015-11-12
1485 J. Smolik, V. Schwarz, V. Zdimal, M. Lazaridis,"Chemical and elemental composition of outdoor/indoor aerosols,"in 16th International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols,2004.2015-11-12
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