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 1231-1245 out of 3123 results
1231 P. Mikuška, J. Smolík, K. Eleftheriadis, C. Bryant, I. Colbeck, M. Lazaridis, "Shipboardmeasurements of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, nitrous and nitric acids, and sulfur dioxide in the Eastern Mediterranean,"in 6th Czech and Slovakian Conference "Ovzduší 2003", 2003,pp. 55-59.2015-11-14
1232 K. Pendaraki, N. Spanoudakis, "Constructing Portfolios Using Argumentation Based Decision Making and Performance Persistence of Mutual Funds", in the 2nd International Symposium and 24th National Conference on Operational Research, 26-28 September 2013, pp. 24-29.2015-11-14
1233 M. Lazaridis, I. Colbeck, I. Drossinos, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Havranek, C. Housiadas, G. Kallos,N. Mihalopoulos, P. Mikuska, C. Mitsakou, J. Smolik, S. Solberg, A Spiridaki, T. Svendby, H. Vardouki, Z. Vecera and V. Zdimal,"Characterization of physical and chemical factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine particles," in 7th Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project ,2002.2015-11-14
1234 N. Spanoudakis and P. Moraitis, "Using Agent Technology for Ambient Assisted Living", in the 16th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, 1-6 December 2013, pp. 518-525.2015-11-14
1235 N. Mitakidis, P. Delias and N. Spanoudakis, "Validating Business Requirements Using MAS Analysis Models", in 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 4-8 May 2015.2015-11-14
1236 M. Lazaridis, I. Colbeck, I. Drossinos, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Havranek, C. Housiadas, G. Kallos, N. Mihalopoulos, P. Mikuska, C. Mitsakou, J. Smolik, S. Solberg, A. Spyridaki, E. Stefanou, F. Stordal, T. Svendby, H. Vardouki, Z. Vecera, V. Zdimal, “Subgrid scale investigationsof factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine particles (SUB-AERO)” in8th European Symposium on the Physico-Chemical Behaviour of Atmospheric Pollutants ,2001.2015-11-14
1237 N. Mitakidis, P. Delias and N. Spanoudakis, "Validating Requirements Using Gaia Analysis Models", in Workshop on Engineering Multi-Agent Systems (EMAS 2015), in conjuction with AAMAS 2015, 5 May 2015.2015-11-14
1238 I. Colbeck ,C.Bryant ,I. Drossinos ,V. Havránek ,P. Mikuška ,J. Smolík ,Z. Vecera ,V. Ždímal ,K. Eleftheriadis ,C. Housiadas ,M. Lazaridis ," Preliminary results from subgrid scale investigations of factors determining the occurrence of ozone and fine particles (SUB-AERO),"in Aerosol Society Annual Meeting,2001,pp.12-15.2015-11-14
1239 K. Eleftheriadis, S. Nyeki, M. Lazaridis, C. Kiemle, A. Gietz ,M. Krautstrunk. “Observations of the Boundary Layer Structure over the Adriatic Sea”,in EuropeanGeophysical Society Assembly, Millennium Conference on Earth, Planetary and Solar Systems Sciences,2000.2015-11-14
1240 M. Lazaridis .(1999).Mathematical modelling of turbulent reacting plumes – Modelling of particulate matter processes.Presented at EMEP-WMO Workshop on fine particles – emissions, modelling and measurements.[online].Available:
1241 D.M. Broday ,P.G. Kevrekidis, M. Lazaridis, P.G Georgopoulos, . “Lung dosimetrymodeling for assessing exposure to fine particulate matter”,in Society of ExposureAnalysis (ISEA) Annual Meeting,1999.2015-11-14
1242 M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos ,T. Larson , “Particulate matter dispersion modeling at the local scale : comparison of the fugitive dust model with a lagrangian fluid particle model'',in CRESP Annual Meeting,1998. 2015-11-14
1243 M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos , “Respiratory tract dosimetry modeling for inhaledparticulate matter: comparison of the EDMAS-AID and ICRP66 models,'' in CRESPAnnual Meeting,1998.2015-11-14
1244 P. Kevrekidis,M. Lazaridis ,P.G. Georgopoulos , “Bending waves and particleresuspenion,''in CRESP Annual Meeting,1998. 2015-11-14
1245 M. Lazaridis,S.K. Isukapalli ,P.G. Georgopoulos , “Modeling aerosol processes at thelocal scale'', in Annual Air and Waste Management Association Meeting,1998.2015-11-14
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