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Technical University of Crete
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 916-930 out of 3123 results
916 S. Christodoulakis, P. Kontogiannis, P. Petridis, N. Moumoutzis, M. Anastasiadis and T. Margazas, "MINOTAURUS: A Distributed Multimedia Tourism Information System", in Proceedings of the International Conference in Edinburgh, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 1997, pp. 295-306.2015-11-16
917 S. P. Mertikas, E. C. Pavlis, I. N. Tziavos, E. Koutroulis, K. Palamartchouk, T.Papadopoulos, G. S. Vergos, “Permanent facility for calibration/validation ofsatellite altimetry: GAVDOS”, presented at 11th SPIE International Symposium on Remote Sensing, 2004.2015-11-16
918 N. Moumoutzis, M. Christoulakis, P. Arapi, M. Mylonakis and S. Christodoulakis, "The IQTOOL project: developing a quality assurance tool for elearning", in the LOGOS Open Conference `New Technology Platforms for Learning - Revisited`, 19-20 January 2009, Budapest, Hungary.2015-11-16
919 D. Smith, P. Lameras and N. Moumoutzis, "Using Educational Programming Languages to enhance teaching in computer science", in Proceedings of the EDGE 2010 Conference on the Use of Technologies in K-12 and Post-Secondary Education, 12-15 October 2010.2015-11-16
920 E. Ovcin, C. Cerato, D. Smith, P. Lameras and N. Moumoutzis, "The pSKILLS Experience: Using Modern Educational Programming Languages to Revitalise Computer Science Teaching", in International Conference on The Future of Education, 16-17 June 2011.2015-11-16
921 E. Koutroulis, K. Kalaitzakis, N. C. Voulgaris, J. Kaliakatsos and S. Sideris, “AHybrid PV – Wind Generator System Using a Maximum Power Point TrackingTechnique”, presented at International Conference “Renewable Energies for Islands - Towards 100% RES Supply”, Chania, Crete, 2001.2015-11-16
922 E. Ovcin, C. Cerato, D. Smith and N. Moumoutzis, "pSkills: insegnare informatica con i moderni linguaggi di programmazione educativi", in DIDAMATICA 2011, 4-6 Maggio 2011.2015-11-16
923 M. Christoulakis, A. Pitsiladis, A. Moraiti, N. Moumoutzis and S. Christodoulakis, "EShadow A Tool for Digital Storytelling Based on Traditional Greek Shadow Theatre", in 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion on Foundations of Digital Games Conference, 2013. 2015-11-16
924 I. Stavrakas, C. Anastasiadis, S Maurigiannakis, D. Triantis and Z.G. Agioutantis, "Permittivity variations on marble beams subjected to various loading levels", in 10th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non-Destructive Testing, “Application of Contemporary Non-Destructive Testing in Engineering”, September 2009.2015-11-16
925 L.K. Paganis, Z. Agioutantis, S. Maurigiannakis and S. Steiakakis, "Αn investigation of the mechanical behavior of fiber concrete and potential applications to the support of underground excavations", in 6th Panhellenic Conference on Geotechnics and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 29 September - 1 Octomber 2010. 2015-11-16
926 Z. Agioutantis, N. Gouveris, C. Steiakakis, P. Viopoulos and S. Maurigiannakis, "Thermomechanical simulation of monolithic concrete lining of an underground opening, in 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics, 12-14 July 2010.2015-11-16
927 G. Deák, Ş. Deák, Z. Agioutantis and S. Mavrigiannakis, "Assessment of Rock Salt MicroProperties Using Pfc-2d Modeling", in Ecomining 2009, 4-5 September 2009, pp.126-134. 2015-11-16
928 G. Mplemenos, K. Papadopoulos, I. Papaefstathiou, "Using Reconfigurable Hardware Devices in WSNs for Reducing the Energy Consumption of Routing and Security Tasks," in IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, 2010, pp. 1-5. doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2010.56836052015-11-16
929 Z. Agioutantis, P. Viopoulos, H. Papantoni and S. Maurigiannakis, "Numerical Modeling of Forepoling Applications in Tunnel Construction", in Ecomining 2007, 24-26 October 2007.2015-11-16
930 Z. Agioutantis, P. Viopoulos and S. Maurigiannakis, "Elastoplastic modeling of the chimney failure potential at the face of underground openings", in 11th ACUUS Conference: Underground Space: Expanding the Frontiers, 10-13 September 2007.2015-11-16
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