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 2851-2865 out of 3123 results
2851 I. Mitsios, D. Kolokotsa, G. Stavrakakis, K. Kalaitzakis, A. Pouliezos,"Developing a control algorithm for CEN indoor environmental criteria - Addressing air quality, thermal comfort and lighting,"in 2009 17th Med. Conf. on Control and Automation,pp. 976-091.doi:10.1109/MED.2009.51646722015-10-18
2852 A. Moutsopoulou, G.E. Stavroulakis and A. Pouliezos,"Robust control in smart structures using the Hinfinity criterion and m-Analysis," in The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Valencia, Spain, 2010. doi: 10.4203/ccp.93.2082015-10-18
2853 C.P. Providakis, K.D. Stefanaki, M.E. Voutetaki, J. Tsompanakis, M. Stavroulaki, "Developing a multi-mode PZT sensing solution for active SHM in concrete structures, " in 2013 ΙΕΕΕ Sensors Ap. Symp.,pp.61 - 65. doi:10.1109/SAS.2013.64935572015-10-18
2854 C.P. Providakis,K. Stefanaki ,J. Tsompanakis ,M. Stavroulaki “ An integrated approach for structural health monitoring of concrete structures based on electromechanical admittance and guided waves," in ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, 2013.2015-10-18
2855 C.P. Providakis ,E.V. Liarakos ," A miniaturized early age concrete strengthening and hydration monitoring system based on piezoelectric transducers," in 10th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics,2013.2015-10-18
2856 C. Providakis, “Electro-mechanical admittance-based damage detection using extreme value statistics,"in 2008 7th Int. Conf. on Fracture and Damage Mechanics ,pp.561-564.doi:10.4028/
2857 C.P. Providakis, P.N. Kontoni , M.E. Voutetaki, "Vibration control using smart materials and response surface metamodels”, in 2007 11th Intern. Conf. on Civil, Structural and Envir. Eng. Computing,doi:10.4203/ccp.86.1282015-10-18
2858 C. Providakis and M.E. Voutetaki .(2006).Damage detection using electromechanical impedance signatures and statistical outliers.Presented at Proceedings of 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics .[online].Available:
2859 Κ. Ν. Μπροκαλάκης, Κ. Π. Προβιδάκης και Σ. Θ. Μουγιάκος, "Εργαστηριακοί και άλλοι έλεγχοι για την εφαρμογή κανονισμών και προτύπων για την παραλαβή χαλύβων οπλισμού σκυροδέματος σε τεχνικά έργα," παρουσιάστηκε στο 15ο Συνέδριο Σκυροδέματος, Αλεξανδρούπολη, Ελλάδα, 2006.2015-10-18
2860 C.P . Providakis, M.E. V outetaki, M.E.Stavroulaki .D.-P .N.Kontoni, ”FEM modeling of electromechanical impedance for the analysis of smart damping treatments," in 2005 Inter. Conf. on Computer, Inf. and Systems Sciences, pp.129-134.doi:10.1007/1-4020-5261-8_222015-10-18
2861 C.P. Providakis, “On the use of singular boundary elements in fracture analysis of creeping cracked metallic components”, in 2002 6th Intern.l Conf. on Comput. Structures Technology,doi:10.4203/ccp.76.172015-10-18
2862 C. P. Providakis and D. A. Sotiropoulos," Application of the boundary element method to the analysis of V-notched viscoplastic plates," in Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Boundary Elements, 1997, pp. 159- 168.2015-10-18
2863 C.Valmaseda, M. Angel, J.L. Hernandez ,K. Katsigarakis, D.V. Rovas .(2013).An event-driven soa-based platform for energy efficiency applications in buildings.Presented at 30th CIB W78 International Conference.[online].Available:
2864 G. N. Lilis, G. I. Giannakis, G. D. Kontes and D. V. Rovas, "Semi-automatic thermal simulation model generation from IFC data," in European Conference on Product and Process Modelling, 2014. doi: 10.1201/b17396-832015-10-17
2865 G. N. Lilis, K. F. Sklivaniotis, G. I. Giannakis and D. V. Rovas, "SRC: a systemic approach to building thermal simulation," presented at 13th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2014.2015-10-17
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