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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 886-900 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
886 N. Papamanolis, K.-Α. Oungrinis. (2010). The Influence of the Local Built Environment in the Teaching of Architectural Technology. The Example of Greece. Presented at ENHSA/EAAE 2010. Educating ArchitectsTowards Innovative Architecture. [Online]. Available: http://www.academia.edu/14715438/The_influence_of_the_local_built_environment_in_the_teaching_of_architectural_technology._The_example_of_Greece2015-11-17
887 A.P. Liavas, N.D. Sidiropoulos, "Parallel algorithms for large scale constrained tensor decomposition," in 2015 Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , IEEE International Conference on(ICASSP), doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2015.71784132015-11-17
888 K.-Α. Oungrinis. (2007). 'Sensponding' architecture: Towards a holistic approach to transformable design. Στο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Tectonics - Making Meaning. [Online]. Available: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/280642863_SENSPONDING_ARCHITECTURE_TOWARDS_A_HOLISTIC_APPROACH_TO_TRANSFORMABLE_DESIGN2015-11-17
889 A.P. Liavas, D. Tsipouridou, "Single-carrier systems with MMSE linear equalizers: Performance degradation due to channel and CFO estimation errors," in 2011 Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing , IEEE International Conference on(ICASSP), doi: 10.1109/ICASSP.2011.59471112015-11-17
890 K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, (2006). Spatial diagnosis as a means to design mediated spaces.Presented at 24th International eCAADe Conference on Education and Research in Computer-Aided Architectural Design. [Online]. Available: http://cumincad.architexturez.net/system/files/pdf/2006_420.content.pdf2015-11-17
891 Κ. Α. Oungrinis, Μ. Liapi, M. (2006), Floating limits: Active transformability in architecture and its effects on the notions of 'limit' and 'transparency'. Στο Διαφάνεια και Αρχιτεκτονική: Όρια και Προκλήσεις . [Οnline]. Available: http://www.researchgate.net/publication/280641496_'FLOATING'_LIMITS_-ACTIVE_TRANSFORMABILITY_IN_ARCHITECTURE_AND_ITS_EFFECTS_ON_THE_NOTIONS_OF_'LIMIT'_AND_'TRANSPARENCY'2015-11-17
892 K.-A. Oungrinis, M. Liapi, "The transmutation of the architectural synthesis. Morphing procedures through the adaptation of information technology," in International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, 2003, pp. 377-381. doi: 10.1142/9789812704658_0083 2015-11-17
893 Ουγγρίνης, Α., "Οι τόποι των στάσεων ενός διανυσματικού 'εκτατικού'συστήματος αστικής κινητικής εκτόνωσης. ∆ίκτυα, ροές και κόμβοι," στο ∆ιεθνέςΣυνέδριο Συστήματα Τραμ και Επιφανειακού Μετρό, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών, Πάτρα, Ελλάδα, 2003.2015-11-17
894 M. Lagoudakis , R. Parr , M. Littman ," Least-Squares Methods in Reinforcement Learning for Control," in 2002 Proceedings of the 2nd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN), pp. 249-260, doi: 10.1007/3-540-46014-4_232015-11-17
895 P. Parthenios, "From having and Idea to having a Design.Two Approaches for the Conceptual Design Process and the Affordances of Media and Tools," Presented at Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition – DCC08, Atlanta, US, 2008.2015-11-17
896 P. Parthenios. (2012). Visualizing the main monuments of Crete through an abstractinteractive 3D model. Presented at EVA2012 Electronic Visualization and the Arts.[Online]. Available: http://ewic.bcs.org/upload/pdf/ewic_ev12_s9paper2.pdf2015-11-17
897 P. Parthenios. (2008). Analog vs Digital : Why_Bother? The role of Critical Points for Change (CPC) in the conceptual design process. Presented at First International Conference on Critical Digital : What Matters(s)?. [Online]. Available: http://www.parthenios.com/pdf/research/2008-analog-vs-digital-why-bother-the-role-of-critical-points-for-change-(CPC)-in-the-conceptual-design-process.pdf2015-11-17
898 P. Parthenios P, “Analog vs Digital  ‐  2D vs 3D. The role of Critical Points for Change (CPC) as  a bridging mechanism between traditional poles of architectural design," presented at 5th EAAE/ENHSA Architectural Theory Subgroup Workshop: SUR‐FACE/ΕΠΙΦΑΝΕΙΑ – Digital Materiality and the new Relation between Depth and Surface as a Challenge for Architectural Education, Chania, Crete, Greece, 2010.2015-11-17
899 P. Malefakis, M. Mandalaki, P. Parthenios, S. Yiannoudes, A. Vazakas, “An innovative educational approach: studying the convergence between environmental design and architectural form generation," presented at EAAE Transactions on Architectural Education No.46: Educating Architects towards Innovative Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey, 2010.2015-11-17
900 M.G. Lagoudakis, M. Berhault, S. Koenig, P. Keskinocak, A.J. Kleywegt, "Simple auctions with performance guarantees for multi-robot task allocation," in 2004 Intelligent Robots and Systems, Proceedings. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on(IROS),doi: 10.1109/IROS.2004.13894342015-11-17
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