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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 3106-3120 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
3106 A. Angelidakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2015, May) .Factored MDPS for Optimal prosumer Decision-Making.Presented at the 2015 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems.[online]. Available: http://www.aamas2015.com/en/AAMAS_2015_USB/aamas/p503.pdf2015-09-26
3107 K. Babas, G.Chalkiadakis, E. Tripolitakis , "You are what you consume: a bayesian method for personalized recommendations ",In the 7th ACM conf. on Rec.systems 2013,pp.221-228.doi :10.1145/2507157.2507158 2015-09-26
3108 A. Chliaoutakis, G. Chalkiadakis .(2014) .Utilizing Agent-based modeling to gain new insights into the ancient minoan civilization.Presented at the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems.[online] .Available : http://www.ifaamas.org/Proceedings/aamas2014/aamas/p1371.pdf2015-09-26
3109 A. A.Panagopoulos, G. Chalkiadakis, E. Koutroulis . ( 2012,Aug.) .Predicting the power output of distributed renewable energy resources within a broad geographical Region.Presented at 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems Track , Montpellier, FR.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/341638/1/pckPowerOutPredecai2012.pdf2015-09-26
3110 R.Kota, G.Chalkiadakis, V. Robu, A. Rogers, N.R Jennings .(2012) .Cooperatives for demand side management.Presented at the Seventh Conference on Prestigious Applications of Intelligent Systems.[onlive].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/339761/1/demmang.pdf2015-09-26
3111 G. Chalkiadakis, E. Elkind, M. Polukarov, N. R Jennings .(2009) .The Price of Democracy in Coalition Formation. Presented at the 8th International conference on autonomous agents and multiagent systems-volume 1.[online].Available :http://eprints.soton.ac.uk/267067/1/cepjPoDaamas2009final.pdf2015-09-26
3112 V. Sygouni,D. Vassilopoulos , I.D. Manariotis , C.V. Chrysikopoulos .(2014). .Transport of TiO2 nanoparticles through water saturated packed columns .Presented at 2th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment At Skiathos Greece. [onlive].Available :http://www.researchgate.net/publication/262335999_Transport_of_TiO2_nanoparticles_through_water_saturated_packed_columns2015-09-23
3113 C. Roncoli, M. Papageorgiou, I. Papamichail, "An optimisation-oriented first-order multi-lane model for motorway traffic," in 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), 11-15 January 2015, p.p 15-2905.2015-03-30
3114 I. A. Ntousakis, K. Porfyri, I.K. Nikolos, M. Papageorgiou, "Assessing the impact of a cooperative merging system on highway traffic using a microscopic flow simulator," in ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2014), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 14-20 November 2014, pp. V012T15A024.2015-03-30
3115 Y. Wang, Y. Kan, M. Papageorgiou, I. Papamichail, "Local ramp metering with distant downstream bottlenecks: a comparative study," in 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, 8-11 October 2014, pp. 768-773.2015-03-30
3116 C. Roncoli, I. Papamichail, M. Papageorgiou, "Model predictive control for multi-lane motorways in presence of VACS," in 17th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2014), Qingdao, China, 8-11 October 2014, pp. 501-507.2015-03-30
3117 I. K. Nikolos, A. I. Delis and M. Papageorgiou, "Relaxation approximations to second-order traffic flow models by high-resolution schemes," in 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2014), Rhodes, Greece, 22-28 September 2014, pp. 530008 1-4. doi: 10.1063/1.4912741 2015-03-30
3118 G.R. Iordanidou, I. Papamichail, C. Roncoli, M. Papageorgiou, "A feedback-based approach for mainstream traffic flow control of multiple bottlenecks on motorways," in 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'14), 2014, pp. 11344-11349. 2014-10-13
3119 C. Roncoli, M. Papageorgiou, I. Papamichail, "Optimal control for multi-lane motorways in presence of Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems," in 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'14), 2014, pp. 4178-4183. 2014-10-13
3120 I. Karafyllis, M. Papageorgiou, "Stability investigation for simple PI-controlled traffic systems," in Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Communications, Controls, and Signal Processing, 2014, pp. 186-189.2014-10-13
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