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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 2716-2730 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
2716 V. Sakkalis, M. Zervakis, C. Bigan, T. Cassar, K.P. Camilleri, S.G. Fabri and S. Micheloyannis, "Validation of time-frequency and ARMA feature extraction methods in classification of mild epileptic signal patterns," presented at International Special Topic Conference on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2006.2015-10-25
2717 M.G. Kounelakis, M.E.Zervakis, M.E. Blazadonakis, G.J. Postma, L.M.C. Buydens, A. Heerschap, X. Kotsiakis ,"Feature selection for brain tumour classification using ratios of metabolites' peak areas from MRSI data,"in 6th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering ESBME,2008, pp.1-6.2015-10-25
2718 T.A. Cassar, K.P. Camilleri, S.G. Fabri, M. Zervakis and S. Micheloyannis," ARMA modeling for the diagnosis of controlled epileptic activity in young children,"in 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing, 2008, pp.25-30. doi:10.1109/ISCCSP.2008.45371862015-10-25
2719 E. Ifeachor, P. Hu, L. Sun, N. Hudson, M. Zervakis ,"Bioprofiling over grid for personalised eHealthcare for AD,"in 2009 conference on Computational Intelligence and Bioengineering: Essays in Memory of Antonina Starita,pp.155-165.2015-10-25
2720 M.E. Blazadonakis, M.E. Zervakis, D. Kafetzopoulos ,"A Proposal for Gene Signature Integration," in 2009 9th Intern. Conf. on Information Techn. and Applications in Biom.,pp.1-4.doi:10.1109/ITAB.2009.53944002015-10-25
2721 S. Sfakianakis, M. Zervakis, M. Tsiknakis, D. Kafetzopoulos , "Integration of biological knowledge in the mixture-of-Gaussians analysis of genomic clustering ,"in 2010 10th IEEE Intern.l Conf. on Information Tech. and Applications in Biom. (ITAB) ,pp.1-4.doi:10.1109/ITAB.2010.56876582015-10-25
2722 V. Margariti, M. Zervakis, C. Balas ," Wavelet and physical parametric analysis of the acetowhitening optical effect: comparative evaluation of performances in non-invasive diagnosis of cervical neoplasia ," in 2010 10th IEEE Intern .Conf. on Information Tech. and Appl. in Biomedicine (ITAB),pp.1-4.doi:10.1109/ITAB.2010.56876092015-10-25
2723 A. Roniotis, V. Sakkalis, E. Tzamali, G. Tzedakis, M. Zervakis, K.Marias .(2012).Solving the PIHNA model while accounting for radiotherapy.Presenta at 5th International Advanced Research Workshop in In Silico Oncology and Cancer Investigation.[online].Available: http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Georgios_Stamatakos/publication/234110079_Proceedings_of_the_2012_5th_International_Advanced_Research_Workshop_on_In_Silico_Oncology_and_Cancer_Investigation__The_TUMOR_Project_Workshop_(IARWISOCI)_OPEN_ACCESS_VERSION/links/0fcfd50f3de5a75a8c000000.pdf#page=312015-10-24
2724 K. Michalopoulos, M. Zervakis, N. Bourbakis, P. Giannakopoulos, M.P.Deiber ,"Decomposition and evaluation of activity in multiple event-related trials," in 2012 2th Intern. Conf. on Bioinf. and Bioengineering (BIBE) ,pp.374 - 379.doi:10.1109/BIBE.2012.63996532015-10-24
2725 Μη διαθέσιμο για την επιλεγμένη γλώσσα2015-10-24
2726 N.K. Chlis, S. Sfakianakis, E. S. Bei, M. Zervakis ,"A generic framework for the elicitation of stable and reliable gene expression signatures ," in 2013 13th Intern.Conf. on Bioinf. and Bioengineering (BIBE),pp.1-6. doi:10.1109/BIBE.2013.67015272015-10-24
2727 M.G. Kounelakis, M. Papadogiorgaki, M.E. Zervakis ,"An in-silico model for solid tumor growth based on the concept of glycolysis,in 2013 13th Intern. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Bioeng.,pp.1-4.doi:10.1109/BIBE.2013.67016802015-10-24
2728 M. Antonakakis, M. Zervakis, V. Tsirka and S. Micheloyannis,"A minimal spanning tree analysis of EEG responses to complex visual stimuli," in IEEE 26th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, 2014, pp.652-656. doi:10.1109/ICTAI.2014.1032015-10-24
2729 D. Vassou, S. Arhondakis, K. Kalantzaki, M. Zervakis, D. Kafetzopoulos ,"Towards single-cell gene expression profiling: assessing amplification biases ," in 2015 6th European Conf. of the Intern. Federation for Med. and Biol. Engineering ,pp. 598-601.doi:10.1007/978-3-319-11128-5_1492015-10-24
2730 M. Tzaphlidou, M. Zervakis ,"An automated approach for detecting biological effects of electromagnetic fields on proteins ,"in 2003 Intern. Symp. on Electrom. Compat. ,pp.836 - 839.doi:10.1109/ICSMC2.2003.14290372015-10-24
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