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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 2101-2115 από 3123 αποτελέσματα
2101 Μ. Τσικνιά, Ν. Παρανυχιανάκης, Ε. Βαρουχάκης και Ν. Νικολαΐδης, "Χωρική κατανομή και αφθονία των λειτουργικών γονιδίων νιτροποιητών και απονιτροποιητών στην λεκάνη απορροής του ποταμού Κοιλιάρη", στο 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Οικολογίας, 2014.2015-11-07
2102 E. A. Varouchakis, D. T. Hristopulos and G. P. Karatzas, "Bayesian approach for estimating the space-time variability of groundwater level in a sparsely monitored basin on a Mediterranean island", in The 10th International Conference on Geostatistics for Environmental Applications-geoENV, 2014.2015-11-07
2103 G. Potamias, L. Gaga, M. Blazadonakis, V. Moustakis, "Multi‐strategy learning support to the acquisition of clinical knowledge: methodologicalissues" in Multi‐Stradegy Learning, Machine Learning Network (MLnet)workshop, Blanes, Spain, 1993.2015-11-07
2104 K. Morik, G. Potamias, V.S. Moustakis, G. Charissis. "Knowledgeablelearning using MOBAL: A case study on a medical domain," in Real‐World Applications of Machine Learning Workshop, Vienna, Italy. 1993.2015-11-07
2105 V. Moustakis and G. Salvendy, "Hybrid Machine Learning: Myth andReality" in Sixth International Conference on Human Computer Interaction: Symbiosis of Human and Artifact, 1995, pp. 1083 – 1088. doi: 10.1016/S0921-2647(06)80171-12015-11-07
2106 V. Moustakis, "Managing Machine Learning Application Development," in Sixth International Conference on Human Computer Interaction: Symbiosis of Human and Artifact, 1995, Tokyo, pp. 1097 – 1102. doi: 10.1016/S0921-2647(06)80173-52015-11-07
2107 Π. Βασιλάκης, Γ. Δούνιας και Β. Μουστάκης, "Ο ρόλος της μηχανικής μάθησης στη διαδικασία διοίκησης συστημάτων παραγωγής," παρουσιάστηκε στο 10ο Συνέδριο ΕΕΕΕ, Χανιά, Ελλάδα, 1994.2015-11-07
2108 G. Potamias, V. Moustakis, G. Charissis (1996, June). Interactive Knowledge BaseConstruction and Maintenance. Presented at International Conference of MachineLearning. [Online]. Available: http://users.ics.forth.gr/~potamias/home_page/p10.pdf2015-11-07
2109 V. Moustakis, "Human, Organizational and Machine Learning, presented at International Conference on Applied Ergonomics , Istanbul, Turkey, 1996.2015-11-07
2110 K. Englmeier, V. Moustakis, G. Potamias, "Advanced InformationSystems Based Information Agents," presented at InternationalConference on Applied Ergonomics, Istanbul, Turkey, 1996.2015-11-07
2111 M. P. Papadopoulou, E. A Varouchakis and G. P. Karatzas, "A study of the complex karstification phenomenon in nature: an analysis of the flow in a fractured medium in Crete", in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology10th International, 2007.2015-11-07
2112 E.A. Varouchakis and G.P. Karatzas, “A comparison between two groundwater numerical simulators using different geostatistical methodologies for the solution of complex environmental design problems”, in Proceedings of European Water Resources Association Symposium "Water Resources Management: New Approaches and Technologies", 2007, pp. 263-270.2015-11-07
2113 E. A. Varouchakis, D. T. Hristopulos and G.P. Karatzas. (2009). A study of the groundwater level spatial variability in the Messara Valley of Crete. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2009. [Online]. Available: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2009/EGU2009-9351-1.pdf2015-11-07
2114 G. P. Giannopoulos, E.A. Varouchakis and G.P. Karatzas, "Assessment of Potential Climatic and Pumping Changes on Groundwater Resources of a Mediterranean Basin", in Proceedings of the Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI Conference, 2012.2015-11-06
2115 M. D. Dettoraki, Z. Dokou, E. A. Varouchakis and G.P. Karatzas, "Optimal pumping scenarios for the estimation of the saltwater intrusion front in the coastal aquifer of Tympaki, Crete - Greece", in EGU General Assembly, 2012. 2015-11-06
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