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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 4111-4125 από 4949 αποτελέσματα
4111 Y. Maday, A.T. Patera, D.V. Rovas ," A blackbox reduced-basis output bound method for noncoercive linear problems," Studies in Math. and Its Appl.,vol.31,2002. doi: 10.1016/S0168-2024(02)80025-X2015-10-17
4112 D.J Holdych, D. Rovas, J.G. Georgiadis, R.O. Buckius ,"An improved hydrodynamics formulation for multiphase flow lattice-Boltzmann models,"Inter. J.of Modern Ph. ,vol.9 ,no.8 ,pp. 1393-1404,1998.doi:10.1142/S01291831980012662015-10-17
4113 L. Machiels, Y. Maday, I.B. Oliveira, A.T. Patera, D.V. Rovas ,"Output bounds for reduced-basis approximations of symmetric positive definite eigenvalue problems."Comp. Rendus de l'Acad. des Sc.Series I-Math.,vol. 331 ,no.2 ,pp.153-158,2000.doi:10.1016/S0764-4442(00)00270-62015-10-17
4114 C. Prud’homme, D.V. Rovas, K. Veroy, L. Machiels, Y. Maday, A.T. Patera, "Reliable real-time solution of parametrized partial differential equations: Reduced-basis output bound methods," J. of Fluids Eng. ,vol.124 ,no.1,pp. 70-80,2001.doi:10.1115/1.14483322015-10-17
4115 J. Hellerstein, E. Koutsoupias, D. Miranker, C. Papadimitriou and V. Samoladas, "On a model of indexability and its Bounds for range queries," J ACM, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 33-55, Jan. 2002. doi: 10.1145/505241.5052442015-10-16
4116 S. Juba, V. Samoladas, N. Boretos, I. Manakos and C. G. Karydas, "IMS: a web-based map server for spatial decision support," Neural Parallel Sci. Comput., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 217-220, Jun. 2007.2015-10-16
4117 Y. G. Saridakis, A. Sifalakis , E. P. Papadopoulou, “Efficient numerical solution of the generalized dirichlet-neumann map for linear elliptic PDEs on regular polygon domains," J. Comp. & Applied Math.,vol. 236 ,no. 9, pp. 2515-2528, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2011.12.0112015-10-16
4118 M. Papadomanolaki, E.P. Papadopoulou ,Y. G. Saridakis, “p-Cyclic SOR for BVPs with periodic boundary conditions,"Applied Num. Mathe.,vol. 60,no. 4, pp. 411-419, 2010. doi:10.1016/j.apnum.2009.08.0062015-10-16
4119 A. Sifalakis, S.R. Fulton, E. P. Papadopoulou ,Y. G. Saridakis, “Direct and iterative solution of the generalized dirichlet-neumann map for linear elliptic PDEs on square domains," J, Comp. and Applied Math.,vol. 227,no.1 pp. 171-184, 2009. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2008.07.0252015-10-16
4120 P. Alevizos, E. Vlachos and A. Bletsas, "Factor Graph-based Distributed Freq. Channel Allocation in Wireless Networks", Global Communications Conference, vol. 8, no. 12, pp. 3395 - 3400, Dec. 2014. DOI: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2014.7037332 2015-10-16
4121 N. Fasarakis-Hilliard, P. Alevizos and A. Bletsas, "Narrowband Cooperative Network Localization", Global Communications Conference, vol. 8, no. 12, pp 3389 - 3394, Dec. 2014. DOI:10.1109/GLOCOM.2014.7037331 2015-10-16
4122 B.G. Silverman, J. Liebowitz and V. Moustakis."Ad Hoc Modeling and Expert Problem Solving". IEEE Transactions in Engineering Management, Aug. 1983,Vol. 30, Iss: 3, pp 169 - 176, DOI: 10.1109/TEM.1983.6448609 2015-10-16
4123 R. Khorramsahahgol and V. Moustakis. "Delphic Hierarchy Process (DHP): AMethodology for Priority Setting Derived from the Delphi Method andAnalytical Hierarchy Process". European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 37, Iss 3, Dec.r 1988, pp 347–354, doi:10.1016/0377-2217(88)90197-X2015-10-16
4124 F. Bruno, H. Kindler, M. Leaning, V. Moustakis, J.R. Scherrer & M. Stefanelli."Games –II: A general architecture for Medical Knowledge Based Systems".Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol. 45, Iss. 1–2, Oct. 1994, pp 79-81, doi:10.1016/0169-2607(94)90021-32015-10-16
4125 K. Morik, G. Potamias, V. Moustakis & G. Charissis, (1994). "Knowledgeablelearning using MOBAL: A medical case study". Applied Artificial Intelligence:An International Journal ,Vol. 8, Iss. 4,pp. 579-592, DOI: 10.1080/088395194089454602015-10-16
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