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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 3811-3825 από 4950 αποτελέσματα
3811 Bruell, R., N.P. Nikolaidis, and R.P. Long, "Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives of Lead From Shooting Range Soil", Environmental Engineering and Science, Vol. 16, no 5, pp. 403-414, Jan. 29. doi:10.1089/ees.1999.16.403.2015-10-22
3812 S. Kourkoulis and G. E. Exadaktylos, "The displacement discontinuity technique in fracture mechanics: the subsurface crack problem," Archives of Mech., vol. 53, no. 4-5, 2001, pp. 421-437.2015-10-22
3813 Nikolaidis, N.P., L.A. Hellerich, and J.A. Lackovic, "Methodology for Site-Specific, Mobility-Based Cleanup Standards for Heavy Metals in Glaciated Soils", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 33, no 17, pp. 2910-2916, Jul. 23. DOI: 10.1021/es990230h2015-10-22
3814 Nikolaidis, N.P., P. Cheeda, J.A. Lackovic, K. Guillard, B. Simpson, and T. Pedersen, "Nitrogen Mobility in Biosolid-Amended Glaciated Soils", Water Environment Federation, Vol. 71, no 3, pp. 368-376, May - Jun., 1999. URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/250452242015-10-22
3815 Hu, H-L, N.P. Nikolaidis, and D. Grasso, "Inhibition of nickel precipitation by gluconate: Part I. Kinetic studies and spectroscopic analyses", Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol.124, no. 8, pp. 677-684, Aug 1998. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-93722015-10-22
3816 Hu, H-L, N.P. Nikolaidis, D. Grasso, "Inhibition of nickel precipitation by gluconate: Part II. Mechanistic modeling", Journal of Environmental Engineering,Vol. 124, no. 8, pp. 685-689, Aug. 1998. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-93722015-10-22
3817 E. Mistakidou, K. Bambakidou and G. E. Exadaktylos, " Einfluss der mineralogischen und technischen eigenschaften bei der marmorexplorierung im beispiel von marmorsteinbruchen aus Volakas und Nikisiani, Griecheland," European J. of Min., vol. 10, no. 1, 1998, pp. 197.2015-10-22
3818 K.-D. Bouzakis, S. Kombogiannis, A. Antoniadis and N. Vidakis, "Gear hobbing cutting process simulation and tool wear prediction models", J. Manuf. Sci. Eng., vol. 124, no. 1, pp. 42-51, Mar. 2001. doi:10.1115/1.14302362015-10-22
3819 A. Antoniadis, "Simulation of milled surface topomorphy", Int. J. Modelling and Simulation, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 271-274, 2001. doi:10.1080/02286203.2001.114422122015-10-22
3820 Nikolaidis, N.P., H. Heng, R. Semagin, and J.C. Clausen, "Non-Linear Response of a Mixed Land Use Watershed to Nitrogen Loading", Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 67, no 2-3, pp. 251-265, Feb. 1998. doi:10.1016/S0167-8809(97)00123-02015-10-22
3821 Hu, H-L, H-M Chen, N.P. Nikolaidis, D.R. Miller and X. Yang, "Estimation of nutrient atmospheric deposition to Long Island Sound", Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 105, no 3-4, pp. 521-538, Jul. 1998. DOI: 10.1023/A:10049549230332015-10-22
3822 Grasso, D., M.A. Butkus, O'Sullivan, D., and N.P. Nikolaidis, "Soil Washing Design Methodology for a Lead-Contaminated Sandy-Soil", Water Research, Vol. 31, no 21, pp. 3045-3056, Dec. 1997. doi:10.1016/S0043-1354(97)00177-22015-10-22
3823 K.-D. Bouzakis and A. Antoniadis, "Optimal selection of machining data in gear hobbing regarding the tool mechanical stresses occuring during the cutting process", CIRP Annals, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 109-112, 1988. doi:10.1016/S0007-8506(07)61597-22015-10-22
3824 Olazabal, M.A., N.P. Nikolaidis, S.L. Suib, and J.M. Madariaga, "Precipitation Equilibria of the Cr(VI)/Fe(III) System and Spectrospcopic Characterization of the Precipitates", Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 31, no 10, pp. 2898 - 2902, Sept. 1997. DOI: 10.1021/es97008652015-10-22
3825 Lackovic, J.A., N.P. Nikolaidis, P. Cheeda, R.J. Carley, and E. Patton, "Evaluation of batch leaching procedures for estimating heavy metal mobility in glaciated soils", Ground Water Monitoring and Remediation, Vol. 17, no 3, pp. 231-240, Jul. 1997. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6592.1997.tb00598.x2015-10-22
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