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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 3076-3090 από 4950 αποτελέσματα
3076 K. Mania, A. Chalmers ,"The effects of levels of immersion on memory and presence in virtual environments: A reality centered approach,"CyberPsychology & Beh.,vol. 4,no.2 ,pp.247-264,April.2001.doi:10.1089/109493101300117938.2015-11-01
3077 E. Manutsoglu,D. Mertmann ,V. Jacobshagen ,"Zur faziellen entwicklung triassischer gesteinsfolgen der Tripolitza-plattform in süd-Lakonien (Peloponnes, Griechenland),"Zeitschrift der Deut. Gesellschaft für Geowis. ,vol.144,pp.396-405,1993.2015-11-01
3078 U.F. Dornsiepen , E. Manutsoglu ,"Zur gliederung der phyllit-decke Kretas unddes Peloponnes,"Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gesel. für Geowis.,vol .145,pp.286-304,1994.2015-11-01
3079 J. Bartholdy ,S.M. Bellas ,D. Mertman ,E. Machaniec ,E. Manutsoglu ,"Fazies-assoziation und biostratigraphie einer sequenz eozäner schelf-sedimente des Tatra-gebirges, Polen,"Berliner geowis. Abhandl.,vol. 16,pp. 103-116,1995.2015-11-01
3080 A. Giannis, E. Gidarakos and A. Skouta, "Transport of cadmium and assessment of phytotoxicity after electrokinetic remediation", J. Environment. Manage., vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 535-544, Feb. 2008. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2006.12.003 2015-10-31
3081 N. Pasadakis, E. Gidarakos, G. Kanellopoulou and N. Spanoudakis, "Identifying sources of oil spills in a refinery by gas chromatography and chemometrics: a case study", Environment. Forens., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 33-39, 2008. doi:10.1080/152759207017295482015-10-31
3082 A. Giannis, G. Makripodis, F. Simantiraki, M. Somara and E. Gidarakos, "Monitoring operational and leachate characteristics of an aerobic simulated landfill bioreactor", Waste Manage., vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1246-1354, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2007.06.0242015-10-31
3083 E. Gidarakos and M. Aivalioti, "Large scale and long term application of bioslurping: the case of a Greek petroleum refinery site", J. Hazard. Mater., vol. 149, no. 3, pp. 574-581, Jul. 2007. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2007.06.110 2015-10-31
3084 M. Tsakona, E. Anagnostopoulou and E. Gidarakos, "Hospital waste management and toxicity evaluation: a case study", Waste Manage., vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 912-920, 2007. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2006.04.0192015-10-31
3085 A. Soujon , E. Manutsoglu , J. Reitner , V. Jacobshagen ," Lithistide Demospongiae aus der metamorphen Plattenkalk-Serie der Trypali Ori (Kreta/Griechenland) ,"Berliner geowis. Abhandungen ,vol.16,pp.559-567,1995.2015-10-31
3086 K. Anastasiadou and E. Gidarakos, "Toxicity evaluation for the broad area of the asbestos mine of northern Greece", J. Hazardous Mater., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 9-18, Jan. 2007. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.06.0312015-10-31
3087 M. Papadaki, T. Tsoutsos, E. Maria and E. Antonidakis, "A multicriteria decision making methodology for sustainable energy development," Frese. Envir.l Bul., no. 1, May. 2003.2015-10-31
3088 E. Gidarakos and A. Giannis, "Chelate agents enhanced electrokineticremediation for removal cadmium and zinc by conditioning catholyte pH",Water Air Soil Pollut., vol. 172, no. 1-4, pp. 295-312, May 2006. doi:10.1007/s11270-006-9080-72015-10-31
3089 E. Manutsoglu ,D. Mertmann ,A. Soujon ,U.F Dornsiepen ,V. Jacobshagen ," Zur Nomenklatur der Metamorphite auf der Insel Kreta, Griechenland ,"Berliner geowis. Abhandlungen ,vol. 16, pp. 579-588,1995. 2015-10-31
3090 J.M. Auzende ,P. Halbach ,A. Allspach ,K. Becker ,N. Blum ,O. Bonnier ,M. Gerven ,M. Halbach ,A. Koschinsky ,D. Lange ,C. Pratt,E. Rahders ,A. V. Reusel ,S. Richter ,T. Seifert ,T. Spangenberg ,J. Stenzler ,F. Thiermann ,M. Tuerkay ,R. Windoffer ," Activité tectonique, magmatique et hydrothermale autour des triples junctions de 16°50΄S-173°30΄E et de 16°30΄S-176°10΄E dans le bassin nord fidjien (SW Pacifique): Campagne HYFIFLUX ,"Comp.Rendus de l Acad. des Sciences - Series IIA - Ear. and Planetary Sc. ,vol. 321 ,pp. 239-246,1995.2015-10-31
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