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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 2461-2475 από 4949 αποτελέσματα
2461 S. Nyeki, K. Eleftheriadis, U. Baltensperger, I. Colbeck, M. Fiebig, C. Kiemle, M. Lazaridis, A. Petzold “Planetary boundary layer structure over the European alps and po basin: airborne lidar and aerosol observations,” Geop.l Research Letters ,vol. 29, No.17,pp. 1852-1852, 2002.2015-11-11
2462 S. Solberg, M. Lazaridis, S. E. Walker, S. Knudsen ,A. Semb ,“The contribution to nitrogen deposition and ozone formation in South Norway from atmospheric emissions related to the petroleum activity in the North Sea," Water Air and Soil Pol. ,vol. 148,no.1,pp. 289-321 ,Sept. 2003.doi: 10.1023/A:10254066210002015-11-11
2463 Μ. Lazaridis, S. S. Isukapalli ,P.Georgopoulos “Modelling of aerosolprocesses in plumes”. Tellus B, vol.53,no.1,pp. 83-93 ,2001.doi:10.1034/j.1600-0889.2001.01165.x2015-11-11
2464 Μ. Lazaridis ”New particle formation of ternary droplets in the atmosphere – A steadystate nucleation kinetics approach,” Atm. Environment ,vol.35,no.3, pp. 599-607 ,2001.doi: 10.1016/S1352-2310(00)00293-42015-11-11
2465 Μ. Lazaridis, Ø. Hov ,K. Eleftheriadis “Heterogeneous nucleation on rough surfaces: Implications to atmospheric aerosols,” Atm. Research,vol. 55,no.2, pp. 103 – 113 ,Oct. 2000.doi:10.1016/S0169-8095(00)00059-42015-11-11
2466 P. G. Kevrekidis, M. Lazaridis, Y. Drossinos ,P. G. Georgopoulos “A unified kineticapproach to binary nucleation”. J. Chem. Phys. ,vol. 111,no. 17, pp. 8010-8012 ,1999.doi: 10.1063/1.4801342015-11-11
2467 M.Lazaridis “Gas-particle partitioning of organic compounds in the atmosphere'' J. Aerosol Sci. ,vol. 30,no. 9, pp. 1165-1170 , Oct. 1999.doi:10.1016/S0021-8502(98)00788-52015-11-11
2468 M. Lazaridis , A. Skouloudis “Transport, formation and dynamics of atmospheric sulfate particles under different meteorological conditions.'' Water, Air, and Soil Pollution,vol. 112, pp. 171-185 ,1999.2015-11-11
2469 A. Vafidis, M. Manakou, G. Kritikakis, D. Voganatsis, A. Sarris and T. Kalpaxis, "Mapping the ancient port at the archaeological site of Itanos (Greece) using shallow seismic methods", Archaeological Prospection, vol. 10, no. 3, pp.163-173. doi: 10.1002/arp.2122015-11-10
2470 Α. Vafidis, G. Poulioudis, G. Kritikakis and A. Sarris, "High Resolution Geophysical Imaging of Buried Relics in Itanos Archaeological Site", Archaeological Prospection, 2003. 2015-11-10
2471 A. Vafidis, M. Manoutsoglou, H.A. Hamdan, Ν. Andronikidis, Μ. Koukadaki, G. Kritikakis, Ν. Oikonomou and N. Spanoudakis, "Geophsical survey at the Omalos Plateau, Chania, Crete", Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, XXXVI, no. 3, pp. 1204-1213. 2015-11-10
2472 A. Vafidis, H.A. Hamdan, N. Andronikidis, G. Kritikakis and N. Economou, "Imaging of Karstic Carbonates Using Electrical Resistivity Data at Malia, Crete, Greece", Environmental Earth Sciences, 2013. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.201317222015-11-10
2473 H. A. Hamdan, N. Andronikidis, G. Kritikakis, N. Economou, Z. G. Agioutantis, P. Schilizzi, C. Steiakakis, C. Papageorgiou, P. Tsourlos, G. Vargemezis and A. Vafidis, "Contribution of electrical tomography methods in geotechnical investigations at Mavropigi lignite open pit mine, Northern Greece", Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 72, no. 5, Sep. 2014. doi: 10.1007/s12665-014-3063-62015-11-10
2474 A. Tsetsekou, M. Arkas, A. Kritikaki, S. Simonetis and D. Tsiourvas, "Optimization of hybrid hyperbranched polymer/ceramic filters for the efficient absorption of polyaromatic hydrocarbons from water", Journal of Membrane Science, vol. 311, no. 1-2, pp. 128-135. doi:10.1016/j.memsci.2007.12.0172015-11-10
2475 N. Matsatsinis and E. Krassadaki, "Skills development through attendance at university courses", Scientific Marketing, 2009.2015-11-10
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