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Journal Publications

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 4906-4920 out of 4950 results
4906 S. C. James , C.V. Chrysikopoulos , "Monodisperse and polydisperse colloid transport in water-saturated fractures with various orientations: Gravity effects " ,Advanc. in Wat.Resou. ,vol.3,no.10, pp. 1249–1255,2011.doi : 10.1016/j.advwatres.2011.06.001 2015-09-19
4907 W.M.J. Bao, E.T. Vogler, C.V. Chrysikopoulos ,"Nonaqueous liquid pool dissolution in three-dimensional heterogeneous subsurface formations ",Envir. Geol.,vol. 43,no.8 ,pp.968–977,2003.doi :10.1007/s00254-002-0721-x 2015-09-19
4908 C. V. Chrysikopoulos,E. T. Vogler,"Acoustically enhanced ganglia dissolution and mobilization in a monolayer of glass beads " , por. media ,vol.64,no.1 ,pp.103–121,2006.doi:10.1007/s11242-005-1525-8 2015-09-19
4909 C. V. Chrysikopoulos,E. T. Vogler, "Estimation of time dependent virus inactivation rates by geostatistical and resampling techniques: application to virus transport in porous media", Stoch. Environ.Res. ,vol. 18,no.2 ,pp. 67 – 78,2004.doi10.1007/s00477-003-0130-z2015-09-19
4910 C. V. Chrysikopoulos,T.J. Kim, "Local mass transfer correlations for nonaqueous phase liquid pool dissolution insSaturated porous media",Transp. in Por. Media.,vol. 38 ,no.1 ,pp.167–187, 2000.doi :10.1023/A:10066559082402015-09-19
4911 S.C. James,T. K. Bilezikjian ,C.V Chrysikopoulos"Contaminant transport in a fracture with spatially variable aperture in the presence of monodisperse and polydisperse colloids", Stoch. Environ. Res. Ris.k Assess ,vol.19,no.4 ,pp. 266–279,2005.doi :10.1007/s00477-004-0231-3 2015-09-19
4912 C. V. Chrysikopoulos , "Artificial tracers for geothermal reservoirstudiesb",Env. Geol.,vol.22 ,no.1 ,pp. 60- 70,1993.doi:10.1007/BF00775286 2015-09-19
4913 C. V. Chrysikopoulos,E. A. Voudrias,M. M. Fyrillas,"Modeling of Contaminant Transport Resulting from Dissolution of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Pools in Saturated Porous Media " Trans. in Por. Med.,vol. 16,no. 2,pp.125-145, 1994.doi10.1007/BF006175482015-09-19
4914 C. V. Chrysikopoulos, S. C. James, "Transport of neutrally buoyant and dense variably sized colloids in a two-dimensionalfracture with anisotropic aperture " , Por. Med.,vol. 51,no.2 ,pp.191–210, 2003.doi:10.1023/A:10219522268612015-09-19
4915 C. V. Chrysikopoulos , Y. Sim ,"Three-dimensional analytical models for virus " ,Tr. in por. me.,vol.30,no.1pp. 87–112, 1998.doi :10.1023/A:10065964121772015-09-18
4916 C. V. Chrysikopoulos ,K. Y. Lee ,M. E. Tatalovich ,"Modeling the transport of contaminants originating from the dissolution of DNAPLpools in aquifers in the presence of dissolved humic substances" Trans. in Por.Med.,vol. 38,no.1 ,pp.93–115, 2000.doi:10.1023/A:1006674114600 2015-09-18
4917 C. V. Chrysikopoulos, A. Abdel-Salam "Modeling of colloid and colloid-facilitated contaminant transport in a two-dimensional fracture with spatially variable aperture " , Por. Med. ,vol. 20,no.3,pp. 197-221, 1995.doi : 10.1007/BF01073172 2015-09-18
4918 S. C.James, C. V. Chrysikopoulos , "An e cient particle tracking equation with speci%ed spatial step for the solution of the diffusion equation ", Chem.Engin. Sc,.vol. 56,no.23 ,pp. 6535–6543, 2001.doi :10.1016/S0009-2509(01)00344-X 2015-09-18
4919 C. V. Chrysikopoulos, K. Y. Lee "Contaminant transport resulting from multicomponent nonaqueous phase liquid pool dissolution in three-dimensional subsurface formations " ,J. of Cont. Hydrol.,vol. 31, no.1-2,pp.1–21,1998.doi:10.1016/S0169-7722(97)00053-3 .2015-09-18
4920 Y. Sim , C. V. Chrysikopoulos , "Analytical solutions for solute transport in saturated porous media with semi-infinite orfinite thickness " , Wat. Res.Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 507–519, 1999.doi:10.1016/S0309-1708(98)00027-X.2015-09-18
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