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 4006-4020 out of 4949 results
4006 C. Balas, G. Papoutsoglou, C. Loukas, Y. Skiadas, C. Pappas, D. Haidopoulos, E. Diakomanolis, W.P. Soutter "In vivo assessment of microstructural and functional alterations in cervical neoplasia" ECBO-OSA, Munich, 2009, pp:138-143, DOI:10.1109/IST.2008.46599572015-10-19
4007 C. Balas, G. Papoutsoglou, C. Loukas, Y. Skiadas, C. Pappas, D. Haidopoulos, E. Diakomanolis, W.P. Soutter "In vivo assessment of microstructural and functional alterations in cervical neoplasia" ECBO-OSA, Munich, 2009, URL:
4008 G. Papoutsoglou, A. Anastasopoulou, G. Stavrakakis, W.P. Soutter and C. Balas, "In vivo Dynamic Imaging, in silico Modeling and Global Sensitivity Analysis for the Study and the Diagnosis of Epithelial Neoplasia" 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Boston, Massachusetts USA, Aug. 30 - Sept. 3, 2011, doi: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.60899052015-10-19
4009 G. Papoutsoglou, M. Stamatiadou, C. Balas "In silico modeling and global optimization of dynamic bio-optical processes for probing, in vivo, biological features of neoplasia" IEEE-iCBCB 2012, Macau, China May 28-30, 2012,DOI:10.1109/iCBEB.2012.4742015-10-19
4010 M. Katevenis, V. Papaefstathiou, S. G. Kavadias, D. N. Pnevmatikatos, F. Silla, D. S. Nikolopoulos, "Explicit ommunication and synchronization in SARC’’. IEEE Micro, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 30-41, 2010.10.1109/MM.2010.772015-10-19
4011 I. Sourdis, D.N. Pnevmatikatos, S. Vassiliadis, "Scalable multigigabit pattern matching for packet inspection’’, IEEE Trans. on Very Large Scale Integ. , vol. 16 , no. 2,pp.156 - 166,2008.doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2007.9120362015-10-19
4012 K.Vlachos, T. Orphanoudakis, Y. Papaeftathiou, N. Nikolaou, D.Pnevmatikatos, G. Konstantoulakis, J. A. Sanchez-P., "Design and performance evaluation of a programmable packet processing engine (PPE) suitable for high-speed network processors units ,"Micr. and Microsyst., vol. 31, no. 3, pp.188-199, 2007.doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2006.09.0012015-10-19
4013 D. Pnevmatikatos, I. Sourdis , K. Vlachos,"An efficient and low-cost input/output subsystem for network processors .(2003).IEEE Design and Test of Computers [online]. pp. 56-64.Available:
4014 D. Pnevmatikatos, E. Markatos, G. Maglis, S. Ioannidis, ``On Using Network RAM as a non-volatile Buffer,’‘ Cluster Comp.,vol. 2,no.4, pp. 295-303, 1999.doi:10.1023/A:10190035145502015-10-19
4015 S.Ioannidis, A. Papathanasiou, G. Maglis, E. Markatos, D. Pnevmatikatos, J.Sevaslidou .(1999).On using reliable network RAM in networks of workstations.Parallel and Distributed Computing Practices (PDCP) [online]. pp.109-120.Available:
4016 G. Kornaros, D. Pnevmatikatos, P.Vatsolaki, G. Kalokerinos, C. Xanthaki, D. Mavroidis, D. Serpanos, M. Katevenis.(1999).Implementation of ATLAS I: a single-chip ATM switch with backpressure IEEE Micro [online]. pp. 30-41.Available:
4017 J. D. Gee, M. D. Hill, Di.N. Pnevmatikatos, , A. J. Smith, "Cache performance of the SPEC92 benchmark suite," IEEE Micro,vol. 13,no.4,pp.17 - 27,1993.doi:10.1109/40.2297112015-10-19
4018 A.D. Pouliezos ," An iterative method for calculating the sample serial correlation coefficient ," IEEE Trans. on Aut. Control ,vol.25,no.4 ,pp.:834 - 836,1980.doi:10.1109/TAC.1980.11024052015-10-19
4019 A.D. Pouliezos ,G. Stavrakakis, "Fast fault diagnosis for industrial processes applied to the reliable operation of robotic systems,"Intern. J. of Systems Sc. ,vol.20,no.7 ,pp 1233-1257 ,1989.doi: 10.1080/002077289089102092015-10-19
4020 D. A. Lambropoulou, E. Psillakis, T. A. Albanis and N. Kalogerakis, "Single-drop microextraction for the analysis of organophosphorous insecticides in water," Anal. Chim. Acta, vol. 516, no. 1-2, pp. 205–211, Jul. 2004. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2004.03.0552015-10-19
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