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Journal Publications

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 2446-2460 out of 4949 results
2446 M. Lazaridis, K. Eleftheriadis, J. Smolik, I. Colbeck, G. Kallos, Y. Drossinos, V. Zdimal, Z. Vecera, N. Mihalopoulos, P. Mikuska, C. Bryant, C. Housiadas, A. Spyridaki, Marina Astitha , V. Havranek," Dynamics of fine particles and photo-oxidants in the eastern Mediterranean," Atm. Environment ,vol. 40,no.32,pp. 6214-6228,Oct. 2006.doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2005.06.0502015-11-11
2447 I. Paraskaki ,M. Lazaridis ," Quantification of landfill emissions to air: a case study of the Ano Liosia landfill site in the greater Athens area," Waste Manag. and Research ,vol.23,no. 3,pp. 199-208 ,2005.doi:10.1177/0734242X050547562015-11-11
2448 J. Smolik, M. Lazaridis, P. Moravec, J. Schwarz, S. K. Zaripov , V. Zdimal," Indoor aerosol particle deposition in an empty office," Water Air and Soil Poll.,vol. 165, no.1, pp. 301-312 ,2005.doi:10.1007/s11270-005-7146-62015-11-11
2449 G. Coulson, A. Bartonova, T. Bohler, D. M. Broday, I. Colbeck, I. Floisand, J. Fudala, W. Hollander, C. Housiadas, M. Lazaridis , J. Smolik," Exposure Risks from pollutants in domestic environments: The Urban Exposure Project," Ind.and Built Envir. ,vol. 14, no.3-4, pp.209-213 ,2005.doi:10.1177/1420326X050540172015-11-11
2450 M. Lazaridis, A. Spyridaki, S. Solberg, J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, K. Eleftheriadis, V.Aleksandropoulou, O. Hov ,P. G. Georgopoulos," Mesoscale modeling of combined aerosol and photo-oxidant processes in the easterm Mediterranean," Atmos. Chem. Phys.,vol. 5,no.4,pp. 927-940,2005.doi:10.5194/acp-5-927-20052015-11-11
2451 M. Kahnert, M. Lazaridis, S. Tsyro , K. Torseth," Requirements for developing a regional monitoring capacity for aerosols in Europe within EMEP," J.l of Envir. Monitoring ,vol.6,no.7,pp. 646-655,Apr. 2004.2015-11-11
2452 C. Housiadas, I. Drossinos , M. Lazaridis," Effect of small scale turbulent fluctuations on rates of particle formation ,"J. Aerosol Sc.,vol.35, no.5, pp. 545-559,May 2004 doi:10.1016/j.jaerosci.2003.10.0122015-11-11
2453 V. Aleksandropoulou , M. Lazaridis," Study of gaseous and particulate matter emissions in Greece," W.r Air and Soil Pol.,vol. 153, pp. 15-34,2004.2015-11-11
2454 M. Lazaridis, A. Spiridaki, S. Solberg, G. Kallos, T. Svendby , F. Flatoy, I. Drossinos, C. Housiadas, J. Smolik, I. Colbeck, M. Varinou, F. Gofa, K. Eleftheriadis, V. Zdimal P. G. Georgopoulos.(2004). Modelling of combined aerosol and photooxidant processes in the Mediterranean area. Water Air and Soil Poll.[online]. vol .4, pp. 3-21 .Available:
2455 M. Stavropoulou, P. Liolios and G. Exadaktylos, "Calibration of the Triaxial Hyperbolic Mohr-Coulomb Elastoplastic Model Parameters on Laboratory Rock Mechanics Tests," Int. J. Geomech., vol. 12, no. 6, pp. 618-631, Dec. 2012. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)GM.1943-5622.00001822015-11-11
2456 J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, J. Schwarz, M. Lazaridis, V. Havranek, K. Eleftheriadis, N. Mihalopoulos, I. Colbeck.(2003). Size resolved mass concentration and elemental composition of atmospheric aerosols over the eastern Mediterranean. Atmos. Chem. Phys.[online].vol. 3,pp. 2207-2216 .Available:
2457 G. Exadaktylos and P. Liolios, "Web driven strength of materials database and modelling tool (StreMa-DB)," Int. J. of Eng. Innov. Technol., vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 286-292, Jan. 2013.2015-11-11
2458 H. Bardouki, H. Liakakou, C. Economou, J. Sciare, J. Smolik, V. Zdimal, K. Eleftheriadis, M. Lazaridis, N. Mihalopoulos," Chemical composition of size resolved atmospheric aerosols in the eastern Mediterranean during summer and winter," Atm. Environment ,vol. 37,no. 2 pp.195-208, Jan. 2003. doi:10.1016/S1352-2310(02)00859-22015-11-11
2459 C. Mitsakou, K. Eleftheriadis, C. Housiadas, M. Lazaridis," Modeling of the dispersion of depleted uranium aerosol," Health Ph.,vol. 84,no.4, pp. 538-544 ,2003.doi:10.1097/00004032-200304000-000142015-11-11
2460 M. Lazaridis, A.e Semb, S. Larssen, A.G. Hjellbrekke, Ø. Hov, J. E.Hanssen, J.Schaug, K.Tørseth," Measurements of particulate matter within the framework of the European monitoring and evaluation programme EMEP I," Sc.of the Total Envir. ,vol. 285,no. 1- 3,pp. 209-235, Feb. 2002. doi:10.1016/S0048-9697(01)00932-92015-11-11
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