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Development of an intelligent indoorenvironment and energy management system for greenhouses using a fuzzy logiccontroller and lonworks® protocol.

Saridakis Georgios, Kolokotsa Dionysia, Dolianitis S.

Πλήρης Εγγραφή

URI: http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/A8A2A87D-FFE4-4920-9B00-07FD18AD3F3C
Έτος 2006
Τύπος Πλήρης Δημοσίευση σε Συνέδριο
Άδεια Χρήσης
Βιβλιογραφική Αναφορά G. Saridakis, D.Kolokotsa, S. Dolianitis," Development of an Intelligent Indoor Environment and Energy Management System for Greenhouses using a Fuzzy Logic Controller and LonWorks® protocol," in Proccedings of the International Workshop on Energy Performance and Environmental Quality of Buildings (EPEQUB'06),July.
Εμφανίζεται στις Συλλογές


This paper presents an indoor environment andenergy management system for microclimatecontrol of greenhouses. Two fuzzy logic controllers,where expert knowledge of the agriculturistsand growersis emdedded, are developed.These controllers consist of a fuzzy P (Proportional)and a PD (Proportional-Derivative). Themonitored variables are the greenhouse’s indoorilluminance, indoor temperature, relative humidity,CO2 concentration and the outside temperature.Moreover, necessary meteorologicaldata are collected from a meteorological mast.The actuators of the system are the heatingunits, motor-controlled windows, motor controlledshading curtains, artificial lighting, CO2enrichment bottles and water fogging valves.The fuzzy controllers’ aim is to obtain the bestpossible indoor conditions for any cultivation(set-points). The platform used is the LonWorks™platform. The controllers were prototypedin Matlab™ and were interconnected intothe system as a separate node by taking the advantagesof the LonWorks protocol. The systemis installed in a greenhouse located in the MediterraneanAgronomic Institute of Chania,Greece (MAICh).

