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Ο Χώρος μου

A combined methodology of vulnerability mapping and groundwater flow models for the management of karstic aquifers

Kavouri Konstantina, Karatzas Giorgos, Plagnes, Valérie, Varouchakis Emmanouil

Πλήρης Εγγραφή

URI: http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/37C34DC0-59F1-4ADA-806E-9A7B5CD1D979
Έτος 2013
Τύπος Περίληψη Δημοσίευσης σε Συνέδριο
Άδεια Χρήσης
Βιβλιογραφική Αναφορά K. Kavouri, G. Karatzas, V. Plagnes and E. Varouchakis. (2013). A combined methodology of vulnerability mapping and groundwater flow models for the management of karstic aquifers. Presented at EGU General Assembly 2013. [Online]. Available: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2013/EGU2013-8425.pdf
Εμφανίζεται στις Συλλογές


The present study examines the application of a distributed flow modelto a typical Mediterranean karstic aquifer and the importance of theinput information. The site of interest is located at the eastern partof Crete and extends to an area of 167 km² mainly of coverlesslimestone. The geological and climatic conditions of the area arerepresentative of the Mediterranean karst. Also, the information ongeological and hydrological characteristics is limited, which is alsovery common for these systems. The developed model is a combination ofthe Equivalent Porous Continuum with Discrete Fractures (EPC-DF)modeling approach and the GIS-based vulnerability mapping methodPaPRIKa. The EPC-DF method is commonly used for the simulation ofsystems characterized by dual porosity. In the present study the karsticsystem is represented by a porous aquifer which also has a principaldrainage axe. The model is developed using the finite element codeFEFLOW (WASY) which allows for the integration of discrete features suchas channels in a porous matrix. The PaPRIKa method is a multi-criteriacartographic method for the evaluation of intrinsic vulnerability ofkarstic systems, which considers four criteria: the existence of aProtection cover (P map), the lithological properties of the Reservoir(R map), the duality of Infiltration (I map) and the degree ofKarstification (Ka map). It spatially describes both structural andfunctioning characteristics of the karst, providing a simple andrealistic conceptual scheme. In the developed model the distribution ofthe parameters follows the cartographic limits provided by i) the P andI maps for the assignment of recharge, and ii) the R and Ka maps for theassignment of the hydraulic parameters of the saturated zone. Theobtained simulated results of groundwater levels are in a good agreementwith the selected field measurements. The overall aim of the presentstudy is the development of a flexible tool for the management of waterresources in karstic terrains based on groundwater flow modeling. Agroundwater flow model of distributed parameters allows for therealistic representation of the hydrological and structuralcharacteristics of karst and is applicable to scenarios exhibitingspatial variability, such as land use modifications and artificialrecharge plans.

