Το work with title Monitoring operational and leachate characteristics of an aerobic simulated landfill bioreactor by Giannis Apostolos, Makrypodis Georgios, Simantiraki Foteini, Somara M., Gidarakos Evaggelos is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
A. Giannis, G. Makripodis, F. Simantiraki, M. Somara and E. Gidarakos, "Monitoring operational and leachate characteristics of an aerobic simulated landfill bioreactor", Waste Manage., vol. 28, no. 8, pp. 1246-1354, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2007.06.024
Long-term biodegradation of MSW in an aerobic landfill bioreactor was monitored as a function of time during 510 days of operation. Operational characteristics such as air importation, temperature and leachate recirculation were monitored. The oxygen utilization rates and biodegradation of organic matter rates showed that aerobic biodegradation was feasible and appropriate to proceed in aerobic landfill bioreactor. Leachate analyses showed that the aerobic bioreactor could remove above 90% of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and close to 100% of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) from leachate. Ammonium (View the MathML source), nitrate (View the MathML source) and sulphate (View the MathML source) concentrations of leachate samples were regularly measured. Results suggest that nitrification and denitrification occurred simultaneously, and the increase in nitrate did not reach the levels predicted stoichiometrically, suggesting that other processes were occurring. Leachate recirculation reduced the concentrations of heavy metals because of the effect of the high pH of the leachate, causing heavy metals to be retained by processes such as sorption on MSW, carbonate precipitation, and hydroxide precipitation. Furthermore, the compost derived from the aerobic biodegradation of the organic matter of MSW may be considered as soil improvement in the agricultural plant production. Bio-essays indicated that the ecotoxicity of leachate from the aerobic bioreactor was not toxic at the end of the experiment. Finally, after 510 days of degradation, waste settlement reached 26% mainly due to the compost of the organic matter.