URI | http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/03E1AF51-1F02-484D-A2CB-B504818CFCE1 | - |
Identifier | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389406006509 | - |
Identifier | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.06.031 | - |
Language | en | - |
Extent | 10 pages | en |
Title | Toxicity evaluation for the broad area of the asbestos mine of northern Greece | en |
Creator | Anastasiadou Kalliopi | en |
Creator | Gidarakos Evaggelos | en |
Creator | Γιδαρακος Ευαγγελος | el |
Publisher | Elsevier | en |
Content Summary | The existing data regarding the quality of the environment in the asbestos mine of northern Greece (MABE) region related to the presence of asbestos are insufficient to determine the current pollution problem. In the present work, a first approach to this problem has been taken through a toxicity risk assessment. The environmental quality of an open air asbestos mine was evaluated over a long period of time by measuring and monitoring the concentration of asbestos fibres in air, soil and water. Air measurements were made to determine the concentration of asbestos fibres in the atmospheric air of the mine, the depositions and the nearby villages. The asbestos fibre concentration was also specified inside the building facilities of MABE. Analyses of soil, dust and water samples were carried out showing the presence of enormous quantities of chrysotile asbestos. The concentration of asbestos fibres in the atmospheric air was compared to older measurements that were taken at the same sampling points during the operation of the mine. The results of this work, in conjunction with individual researches that have been carried out in the past and with the evaluation of international standards of scientific and experience-based findings, provide a reliable framework with which to estimate the threat of MABE to its surrounding environment, and help to determine a basic criterion for the remediation and rehabilitation of the region. In addition, mathematical models based on human and animal studies were used to estimate the probability of a person developing cancer from breathing air containing asbestos fibres in the wider vicinity of the mine in order to define appropriate procedures for evaluating asbestos-related risk. | en |
Type of Item | Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication | en |
Type of Item | Δημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτές | el |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | en |
Date of Item | 2015-10-31 | - |
Date of Publication | 2007 | - |
Subject | Asbestos | en |
Subject | Mine | en |
Subject | Toxicity | en |
Subject | Fibres | en |
Subject | Risk assessment | en |
Bibliographic Citation | K. Anastasiadou and E. Gidarakos, "Toxicity evaluation for the broad area of the asbestos mine of northern Greece", J. Hazardous Mater., vol. 139, no. 1, pp. 9-18, Jan. 2007. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2006.06.031 | en |