URI | http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/7FF64C52-3B0A-4668-9620-77B60D22BDBF | - |
Identifier | https://doi.org/10.1016/S0031-0182(01)00307-8 | - |
Language | en | - |
Extent | 12 pages | en |
Title | Permian-triassic paleogeography of the external Hellenides | en |
Creator | Dorothee Mertmann | en |
Creator | Manoutsoglou Emmanouil | en |
Creator | Μανουτσογλου Εμμανουηλ | el |
Creator | Dornsiepen, Ulrich F | en |
Content Summary | In the External Hellenides two crustal types are developed: (1) a Variscan basement overlain by the Tyros Unit and (2) a presumably Panafrican basement overlain by the Phyllite–Quartzite Group (Late Carboniferous–Early Triassic) and the Plattenkalk Group (Permian–Oligocene). If we accept this assumption, the Plattenkalk and the Phyllite–Quartzite Groups fit well into the Permian–Triassic palaeogeography of the northeastern margin of Afro-Arabia. During the Permian–Triassic there is evidence for a siliciclastic fluvio-marine system in the western Sinai and Nile area, whereas the Early Triassic shelf of eastern Sinai and Israel is dominated by a carbonate platform. The western facies association of the Plattenkalk and the Phyllite–Quartzite Groups represents the northward extension of a fluvio-marine system. The siliciclastics of the Plattenkalk Group formed part of a marine delta, those of the Phyllite–Quartzite Group indicate a turbidite fan system. The units of Middle and Eastern Crete represent the seaward continuation of the carbonate platform (Plattenkalk Group) and a deep sea realm free of turbidite influx (Phyllite–Quartzite Group).During the Permian–Triassic the different crustal segments were brought together due to dextral strike slip movements of Gondwana against the southern margin of the European Plate as indicated by a uniform shallow marine facies of the Carnian/Norian.
| en |
Type of Item | Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication | en |
Type of Item | Δημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτές | el |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | en |
Date of Item | 2015-10-31 | - |
Date of Publication | 2001 | - |
Bibliographic Citation | U. F. Dornsiepen ,E. Manutsoglu ,D. Mertmann ," Permian-triassic paleogeography of the external Hellenides,"Palaeog. Palaeoclimatology Palae.,vol. 172,no.3-4 ,pp.327-338,2001. doi 10.1016/S0031-0182(01)00307-8 | en |