Το work with title The impact of bioinformatics in clinical practices on human cancer by Zervakis Michalis, M. Blazantonakis, X. Kotsiakis, M. Kounelakis is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Bibliographic Citation
M. Kounelakis, M. Blazantonakis, M. Zervakis, X. Kotsiakis.(2008).The impact of bioinformatics in clinical practices on human cancer.Presented at the European Conference on Emergent Aspects in Clinical Data Analysis (EACDA 2005).[online].Available:http://www.di.unipi.it/groups/ciml/EACDA2005/pdf/01.Kounelakis.pdf
Today’s modern clinical medicine has beensignificantly enriched by a relatively new field ofbiological sciences called genomics-proteomics, whichis based on sub-principles of genetics. This paper aimsto present and elucidate the benefits of genomics-proteomics and project on how these new topics maysupport clinicians’ diagnostic, prognostic and treatmentdecisions. It addresses the need for appropriateintegration of various fields of science in order tocorrectly derive and implement these benefits.Furthermore, it attempts to demonstrate the waybioinformatics are applied in collaboration withtraditional medical practices, to open new pathstowards gene therapy and pharmacogenomics.