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Technical University of Crete
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Integration of morphotectonical data in architectural design

Skoutelis Nikolaos, Manoutsoglou Emmanouil

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Year 2010
Type of Item Conference Full Paper
Bibliographic Citation E. Manoutsoglou ,N. Skoutelis ," Integration of morphotectonical data in architectural design," in 9th Pan-Hellenic Geographicval Conference of the Hellenic Geographical Society,2010,pp.516-523.
Appears in Collections


Strategies to develop the localities that constitute the coastal foreheads in the settlements Sissi andMilatou Beach in Eastern Crete, have been the focus of local society for the last years. A major focusof present research in this area is the localisation of elements that forms the character and structuresthe dynamic of individual spaces, following detailed data evaluation, aiming at the attribution ofprotection, prominence and integration rules of natural landscape in the life and prospects ofstructured space. The two coastal settlements were developed according to the existing geologicalmap on marls and marly limestones of Pliocene age and partly on limestones of Tripoli Zone ofCretaceous-Upper Eocene age, that shape tectonic horst in the area and determined themorfotectonic relief. The detailed geological mapping following the detailed topographic mapping withsimultaneous collection of tectonic data and description of depositional lithofacies, allowed thepossibility to include the morfotectonical data in the new planning and in the proposals for thereformation of coastal foreheads in the two settlements. The obvious rotational fault fragments thatpredominate in the asymmetrical troughs, the action of which has additionally controlled the spatialdistribution of the local deposits which are mass flows, stratified breccias and breccio-conglomeratesthat build the majority of coastal foreheads, are similar to Prina Complex. This new insight intorotational fault fragments suggests a novel approach to the development of architectural solution,which elevates the geological background and link with the dynamics of space in new balances

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