URI | http://purl.tuc.gr/dl/dias/98B6A7F1-9547-41A4-9E68-E2F9CBF11ACC | - |
Identifier | https://doi.org/10.1016/0045-7949(86)90155-0 | - |
Language | en | - |
Extent | 8 pages | en |
Title | Dynamic analysis of beams by the boundary element method | en |
Creator | Providakis Konstantinos | en |
Creator | Προβιδακης Κωνσταντινος | el |
Creator | Beskos, Dimitri E | en |
Publisher | Elsevier | en |
Content Summary | Free and forced flexural vibrations of beams are numerically studied with the aid of the direct boundary element method. The free vibration case is treated as an eigenvalue problem, while the forced vibration one is treated with the aid of the Laplace transform. The structural dynamic response is finally obtained by a numerical inversion of the transformed solution. The effects of a constant axial force, external viscous or internal viscoelastic damping, and an elastic foundation on the response are also considered. Various numerical examples serve to illustrate the method and demonstrate its advantages and disadvantages. | en |
Type of Item | Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication | en |
Type of Item | Δημοσίευση σε Περιοδικό με Κριτές | el |
License | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ | en |
Date of Item | 2015-10-17 | - |
Date of Publication | 1986 | - |
Bibliographic Citation | C.P.Providakis , D.E. Beskos, "Dynamic analysis of beams by the boundary element method," Comp. and Struct., vol. 22, no6 , pp. 957-964, 1986. doi:10.1016/0045-7949(86)90155-0 | en |