U. M. Saied, I. K. Tsanis, “Improved parabolic water wave transformation model, "Coas. Engin., vol.52 ,no.2,pp. 139-149, February 2005.doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.10.001
An improved parabolic water wave transformation model is developed based on generalized [1/1] Padé approximation. For forward scattered waves, the parabolic equation is solved using a marching scheme. The values of wave angles are calculated after the solution of each line; so that better [1/1] generalized Padé approximation is performed. The nonlinear effects are included using a modified dispersion equation. The model is easy to use and performs very well for complex bathymetry. The model is tested for cases of wave angles up to 70°. The numerical results show that for large wave angles, the new parabolic model is better than all the existing parabolic models based on rational approximation.