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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 1261-1275 από 1458 αποτελέσματα
1261 A. Kremen ,Y.Tsompanakis , " Application of dynamic programming to evaluate the slope stability of a vertical extension to a balefill", Intern. Solid Was.and Public Clean. Assoc. ,vol. 28,no.4,pp. 373-382,2010.doi :10.1177/0734242X093547672015-10-08
1262 V. Zania ,P. Psarropoulos ,Y.Tsompanakis ," Base sliding and dynamic response of landfills ",Adv. in Eng. Software vol.41,no.2,pp. 349-358.2010.doi :0.1016/j.advengsoft.2009.06.0122015-10-08
1263 Y. Tsompanakis ,N. Lagaros ,P. Psarropoulos , E. C. Georgopoulos ," Probabilistic seismic slope stability assessment of geostructures ",Struct. and Infrast. Engin.,vol. 6,no.1-2,pp.179-191,2010. doi :10.1080/157324708026640012015-10-08
1264 V. Zania , Y. Tsompanakis, , P. N. Psarropoulos ,"Seismic displacements of landfills and deformation of geosynthetics due to base sliding ",Geot. and Geom. vol. 28, no.6, pp. 491–502,2010.doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2009.12.0132015-10-08
1265 A. S. Elnashai ,Y. Tsompanakis ,"Uncertainties in life-cycle analysis and design of structures and infrastructures ",Str. and Infr. Eng. ,vol.10,no.8,pp.1-2,2011.doi :10.1080/15732479.2011.5748082015-10-08
1266 K. Tyrovola, N. P. Nikolaidis, N. Veranis, N. Kallithrakas-Kontos and P.E. Koulouridakis, "Arsenic removal from geothermal waters with zero-valent iron—Effect of temperature, phosphate and nitrate," Water Res., vol. 40, no. 12, pp.2375–2386, Jul. 2006. doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2006.04.0062015-10-08
1267 S. Foteinis, N. G. Kallithrakas-Kontos and C. Synolakis,"Heavy metal distribution in opportunistic beach nourishment: a case study in Greece," Sci. World J., vol. 2013, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/472149 2015-10-06
1268 S. Foteinis, K. Mpizoura, G. Panagopoulos, E. Chatzisymeon, N. Kallithrakas-Kontos and E. Manutsoglu, "A novel use of the caesium-137 technique to estimate human interference and historical water level in a Mediterranean Temporary Pond," J. Environ. Radioact., vol. 127, pp. 75–81, Jan. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.10.0072015-10-06
1269 D. Moraetis,G.E. Christidis , V.Perdikatsis , "Ion exchange equilibrium and structuralchanges in clinoptilolite irradiated with β- and γ-radiation. Part II: Divalent cations ",Eur. J. Mineral ,vol.20, no.4.,pp.603-620 ,2008. doi :10.1127/0935-1221/2008/0020-18022015-10-01
1270 T. Tsoutsos, I. Tsitoura, D. Kokologos, K.Kalaitzakis ,"Sustainable siting process in large wind farms case study in Crete ",Ren. En. , vol. 75,pp. 474-480 , 2015.doi :10.1016/j.renene.2014.10.0202015-09-27
1271 T. Tsoutsos, S. Tournaki, I. Weiss, S. Caneva, S. Arancón, G. Masson, M. Latour, H. Auer, G.Lettner, W. Sinke, C. Olson, A.C. Veltkamp, F. Pause, F. De Mango, L. Bastone, M. Raganella, C. Dalla Chiesa, G. Strbac, D. Pudjianto, C. Montoya, R. Vázquez, S. Guilmard, "Photovoltaics competitiveness in Middle East and North Africa countries the European project PV PARITY ",Int. J. of Sust. En. ,vol. 34 ,no.3-4 ,pp. 202-210, 2015 .doi :10.1080/14786451.2013.8637742015-09-27
1272 D. Kolokotsa, T. Tsoutsos, S. Papantoniou , "Energy conservation techniques for hospital buildings ",Adv. in Buil. Ener. Res. ,vol 6, no 1, pp.159-172 ,2012 .doi :10.1080/17512549.2012.6720072015-09-27
1273 M. Frangou, T. Tsoutsos, N. Sakellariou ," Sustainability assessment of a solar thermal power project in Mediterranean application in the island of Crete " Eco. Indi. ,vol. 18, pp. 379-386,2012. doi :10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.12.0032015-09-27
1274 D. Kokologos, I. Tsitoura, V.Kouloumpis, T. Tsoutsos ,"Visual impact assessment method for wind parks: A case study in Crete ",L. Use Pol. ,vol. 39, pp. 110–120 . Jul. 2014.doi :10.1016/j.landusepol.2014.03.0142015-09-27
1275 T.Tsoutsos, V. Kouloumpis, A. Kalogerakis. (2007).Thermal use of biofuels in buildings: Εnvironmental and economic evaluation.Fresenius Environmental Bulletin [online] .Available: http://www.cabdirect.org/abstracts/20073163560.html2015-09-27
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