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Journal Publications

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 781-795 out of 1458 results
781 E. E. Koukouraki, R. A. Berkhoudt and E. Diamadopoulos, "Determination of volatilechlorination by-products in drinking water in Greece," Fresenius Envir. Bull., vol. 6, pp. 160-165, 1997.2015-11-15
782 D. Vamvuka, E. Kakaras, E. Kastanaki and P. Grammelis, “Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of biomass reziduals mixtures with poor coal”, Fuel, vol. 82, pp. 1949-1960, 2003.2015-11-15
783 P. A. Norreys, K. L. Lancaster, H. Habara, J. R. Davies, J. T. Mendonc¸ R. J. Clarke, B. Dromey, A. Gopal, S. Karsch, R. Kodama, K. Krushelnick, S.D. Moustaizis, C. Stoeckl, M. Tatarakis, M. Tampo, N. Vakakis, M. S. Wei and M. Zepf, "Observation of ion temperatures exceeding background electron temperatures in petawattlaser-solid experiments", Plasma Physics Controlled Fusion, vol. 47, pp. L49–L56, Nov. 2005. doi: 10.1088/0741-3335/47/11/L012015-11-15
784 N. A. Vainos, A. Tsigara, J. Manasis, A. Giannoudakos, G. Mousdis, N. Vakakis, M. Kompitsas, A. Klini and F. Roubani-Kalantzopoulou, "Metal/metal-oxide/metal etalon structures grown by pulsed laser deposition", Applied Physics A, vol. 79, no. 4, pp. 1395-1397, Sept. 2004. doi: 10.1007/s00339-004-2791-y2015-11-15
785 A. Manousakis, S.A. Argyros.,"A sequentially unconditional Banach space with few operators," Proc. London Math. Soc.,vol.91, no.3,pp. 789-818, Nov.2005.doi:10.1112/S00246115050153882015-11-14
786 A.Manousakis,"A note on certain equivalent norms on Tsirelson' s space,"Math. J. ,vol. 46 , no. 2,pp. 379-390.April. 2004.doi:10.1017/S00170895040018672015-11-14
787 S. A. Argyros , A. Manoussakis, M. Petrakis ,"Function spaces not containing ℓ1,"Israel J. of Mathematics , vol. 135, no. 1, pp 29-81,Dec. 2003.doi:10.1007/BF027760492015-11-14
788 A.Manousakis .(2003).Some remarks on spreading models and mixed tsirelson spaces,.Proceedings of the American mathematical society [online].pp.2515-2525.Available:
789 A. Manousakis ,: On the structure of certain class of mixed tsirelson spaces", Pos. ,vol. 5 No.3,pp. 193-238, 2001,doi : 10.1023/A:10114562041162015-11-14
790 I. Kopanakis ,K. Eleftheriadis, N. Mihalopoulos, N. Lydakis-Simantiris, E. Katsivela, D. Pentari, P. Zarmpas, M. Lazaridis ," Physico-chemical characteristics of Particulate Matter in the Eastern Mediterranean," Atm. Research.vol.106,pp. 93–107.Mar.2012. doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.11.0112015-11-12
791 V. Aleksandropoulou, K. Eleftheriadis, E. Diapouli, K. Torseth , M. Lazaridis ,"Assessing PM10 source reduction in urban agglomerations for air quality compliance," J. Envir. Monitoring ,vol.14,no. 1,pp. 266-278.,2011.doi: 10.1039/c1em10673b2015-11-12
792 V. Aleksandropoulou, M. Lazaridis ," Development and application of a model(ExDoM) for calculating the respiratory tract dose and retention of particles under variable exposure conditions," Air Quality Atmo. and Heal.,vol. 6,no.1,pp .13-26.2013.doi:10.1007/s11869-010-0126-z2015-11-12
793 E. Diapouli, K. Eleftheriadis, A.A. Karanasiou, S. Vratolis, I. Colbeck, M. Lazaridis ,"Indoor and outdoor particle number and mass concentrations in three houses in Athens. Sources, sinks and variability of aerosol parameters," Aer. and Air Quality Res.,vol. 11, pp.632–642,2011.doi: 10.4209/aaqr.2010.09.00802015-11-12
794 V. Aleksandropoulou, K. Torseth , M. Lazaridis .(2011).Atmospheric emission inventory for evaluating natural and anthropogenic sources and their spatial emission mapping for the Greater Athens Area . Water Air and Soil Pollution [online].pp.507-526.Available:
795 M. Latos, P. Karageorgos, N. Kalogerakis, M. Lazaridis ," Dispersion of odorous gaseous compounds emitted from wastewater treatment plants ,"Water Air and Soil Pol.,vol. 215,no.1,pp. 667-677,Feb. 2011.doi:10.1007/s11270-010-0508-82015-11-12
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