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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 811-825 από 891 αποτελέσματα
811 M. Asvestas, A. Sifalakis, E. Papadopoulou, Y. Saridakis. (2013). Fokas method for a multi- domain linear reaction-diffusion equation with discontinuous diffusivity. Presented at Proceedings of IC- MSQUARE Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Science. [online]. Available:http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012143/pdf2015-10-16
812 E. Mathioudakis, N. Vilanakis, E. Papadopoulou, Y. Saridakis. (2013). Parallel iterative solution of the hermite collocation equations on GPUs. Presented at Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering.[online]. Available:http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2013/WCE2013_pp1281-1286.pdf2015-10-16
813 I.E. Athanassakis, M.Papadomanolaki, E.P. Papadopoulou , Y. G. Saridakis.(2013). Discontinuous hermite collocation and diagonally implicit RK3 for a brain tumour mnvasion Model.Presented at Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering .[online].Available: http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2013/WCE2013_pp241-246.pdf2015-10-16
814 A. Sifalakis, E. P. Papadopoulou ,Y. G. Saridakis.(2008) .Parallel Solution of the generalized dirichlet-neumann map for elliptic PDEs on regular polygon domains.Presented at 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineeering [online].Available:http://congress.cimne.com/eccomas/eccomas2008/pdfs/a3162.pdf2015-10-16
815 A. Sifalakis, S.R. Fulton, E. P. Papadopoulou , Y. G. Saridakis, “On the Iterative analysis of the dirichlet-neumann map for linear elliptic PDEs”, in Conference on numerical analysis , 2007,pp 129- 132.2015-10-16
816 E. Mathioudakis, E. P. Papadopoulou ,Y. G. Saridakis.(2001). BiCGSTAB for collocation systems on shared memory parallel architectures.Presented at International Conference on Numerical Algorithms .[online].Available:http://www.amcl.tuc.gr/_stuff/BiCGSTABshared.pdf2015-10-16
817 E. Mathioudakis, E. P. Papadopoulou ,Y. G. Saridakis, “BiCGSTAB for collocation systems on distributed memory parallel architectures," In 2001 4th European Conf. on Numerical Math. and Adv. Applications ,pp.957-966.doi:10.1007/978-88-470-2089-4_872015-10-16
818 E. P. Papadopoulou, Y. G. Saridakis, T.S. Papatheodorou, “Orderings and partitions of PDE copmutations for a fixed size VLSI architecture”, in Proceedings of the 1987 Fall Joint Computer Conference on Exploring technology: today and tomorrow,1987, pp 366-374.2015-10-16
819 A. Moutsopoulou, A. Pouliezos, G.E. Stavroulakis.(2008,May).Robust control in smart systems and their management.Presented at 4th SCPM & 1st IPMA/MedNet Conference“Project Management Advances, Training & Certification in the Mediterranean”.[online].Available: http://pouliezos.dpem.tuc.gr/pdf/PM-04.PDF2015-10-13
820 D. Marinova, G. Stavroulakis.(2004,Aug.) .H∞ control for smart multistorey building structures .Presented at XXI International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics .[online].Available: http://fluid.ippt.gov.pl/ictam04/CD_ICTAM04/SM3/11036/SM3_11036.pdf2015-10-13
821 G. E. Stavroulakis1, G. A. Foutsitzi, E. P. Hadjigeorgiou .(2010,Jul.).Modelling and simulation of controlled smart structures.Presented at 9th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics .[online].Available:http://preveza.teiep.gr/faculty/gfoutsi/publication33.pdf2015-10-13
822 I.Papachristou, S. Salonikidis, G. K. Tairidis , G. E. Stavroulakis.(2011,Jul.).Adaptive fuzzy control of smart structures-anfis.Presented at 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics.[online]. Available:http://www.7gracm.ntua.gr/texts/7gracmboa.pdf#page=862015-10-13
823 A. D. Muradova, G. E. Stavroulakis .(2011,Jul.) .Fuzzy control of a smart elastic plate .Presented at 7th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics.[online].Available:http://www.7gracm.ntua.gr/texts/7gracmboa.pdf#page=862015-10-13
824 G. Foutsitzi, G. E. Stavroulakis, E. Hadjigeorgiou, D. Marinova .(2006,Sept.).Modeling and control of smart composite structures .Presented at 6th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC .[online].Available:http://esmc2006.mm.bme.hu/cdproc/S41/232_259.pdf2015-10-13
825 I. D. Balea , R. Hulea, G. E. Stavroulakis .(2013,Jun.).Discrete optimization approach for steel frames and trusses ,based on genetic algorithm.Presented at 3rd South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics- an ECCOMAS and IACM .[online].Available: http://www.eccomasproceedings.org/cs2013/pdf/2147.pdf2015-10-13
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