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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 646-660 από 1290 αποτελέσματα
646 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis," Minimax design of two‐state k‐out‐of‐n systems," Ap. Stoch. Models and Data Analysis,vol. 9,no.3 ,pp. 245-250, 1993.doi:10.1002/asm.31500903052015-11-07
647 V.S. Kouikoglou ," Single sampling plans for attributes satisfying an arbitrary set of constraints—A graphical approach," Microel. Reliability,vol. 34,no.6,pp. 1071-1077,1994.doi:10.1016/0026-2714(94)90071-X2015-11-07
648 G. Giannakis, V.S. Kouikoglou, S. Nikitas ," Workflow analysis of production lines with complete inspection and rework loops,"Intern. J. of Production Res.,vol. 48 no.24,pp. 7321-7336,2010.doi:10.1080/002075409034690502015-11-07
649 A.A. Economopoulos, V.S. Kouikoglou ," Lead-time analysis and a control policy for production lines," Intern. J. of of Production Rese.,vol. 49 ,no.7,pp. 2019-2034,2011.doi:10.1080/002075410036278452015-11-07
650 Y. A. Phillis, A. M. Madni, E. Grigoroudis, F. Kanellos, V. S. Kouikoglou, "Why climate action is urgent", The Bridge, vol. 44, no. 3, Fall 2014, pp. 30-37.2015-11-07
651 Y.A. Phillis, V.S. Kouikoglou ," A continuous-flow model for unreliable production networks of the finite queue type,"IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Aut., vol. 12,no.4 ,pp. 505-515, Aug. 1996.doi:10.1109/70.5084342015-11-07
652 V.S. Kouikoglou, N.C. Tsourveloudis ," Eigenvalue bounds on the solutions of coupled Lyapunov and Riccati equations," Linear algebra and its appl. ,vol. 235, pp.247-259,Mar. 1996.doi:10.1016/0024-3795(94)00145-62015-11-07
653 V.S. Kouikoglou ," Sensitivity analysis and decomposition of unreliable production lines with blocking," Annals of Oper.Research,vol. 93 ,no.1-4,pp. 245-264,Jan. 2000.doi:10.1023/A:10189759238862015-11-07
654 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis ,"Review of a fast simulation method for the analysis of queueing networks," Applied stoch. models and data anal.,vol. 13 ,no.2pp, 73-83, 1997.doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0747(199706)13:2<73::AID-ASM297>3.0.CO;2-82015-11-07
655 Y.A. Phillis, V.S. Kouikoglou, X. Zhu ," Fuzzy assessment of material recyclability and its applications ," J. of Intell. and Robotic Syst.,vol. 55 ,no.1,pp. 21-38,Ju. 2009,.doi:10.1007/s10846-008-9290-x2015-11-07
656 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis ," Application of a fuzzy hierarchical model to the assessment of corporate social and environmental sustainability," Corp. Social Resp. and Environmental Manag.,vol. 18,no.4 ,pp. 209-219,Aug. 2011.doi:10.1002/csr.2412015-11-07
657 Y.A. Phillis, V.S. Kouikoglou ,"System-of-Systems hierarchy of biodiversity conservation problems," Ecol. Mod. ,vol. 235, pp. 36-48,2012.doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2012.03.0322015-11-07
658 Y.A. Phillis, V.S. Kouikoglou, D. Sourlas, V. Manousiouthakis ," Design of serial production systems using discrete event simulation and nonconvex programming techniques," Inter. j. of production res.,vol. 35 ,no.3 ,pp. 753-766,1997.doi:10.1080/0020754971956962015-11-07
659 Μη διαθέσιμο για την επιλεγμένη γλώσσα2015-11-07
660 S. Ioannidis, O. Jouini, A.A. Economopoulos, V.S. Kouikoglou ," Control policies for single-stage production systems with perishable inventory and customer impatience," Annals of Oper. Res.,vol. 209 ,no.1 ,pp. 115-138,Oct. 2013.doi:10.1007/s10479-012-1058-92015-11-07
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