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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 1171-1185 από 3002 αποτελέσματα
1171 N. Varotsis and N. Pasadakis, "Determination of the composition of commingled crude oil streams by HPLC-SEC with UV and IR detection", J. Liquid Chromatogr. Relat. Technol., vol. 21, no. 5, pp. 657-667, 1998. doi:10.1080/108260798080058482015-11-15
1172 D. Vamvouka, S. Sfakiotakis and S. Saxioni, "Evaluation of urban wastes as promising co-fuels for energy production – a TG/MS study", Fuel, vol. 147, pp. 170-183, May 2015. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2015.01.0702015-11-15
1173 P. Manara, D. Vamvouka, S. Sfakiotakis, C. Vanderghem, A. Richel and A. Zabaniotou, "Mediterranean agri-food processing wastes pyrolysis after pre-treatment and recovery of precursor materials: a TGA-based kinetic modeling study", Food Res. Int., vol. 73, pp. 44-51, Jul. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2014.11.0332015-11-15
1174 D. Vamvuka, E. Kakaras, E. Kastanaki and P. Grammelis, "Pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of biomass residuals mixtures with lignite", Fuel, vol. 82, no. 15-17, pp. 1949-1960, Oct.-Dec. 2003. doi:10.1016/S0016-2361(03)00153-42015-11-15
1175 E. Kastanaki and D. Vamvouka, "A comparative reactivity and kinetic study on the combustion of coal–biomass char blends", Fuel, vol. 85, no. 9, pp. 1186-1193, Jun. 2006. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2005.11.0042015-11-15
1176 D. Vamvouka, S. Sfakiotakis and M. Kotronakis, "Fluidized bed combustion of residues from oranges’ plantations and processing", Renew. Energy, vol. 44, pp. 231-237, Aug. 2012. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2012.01.083 2015-11-15
1177 C. Christodoulou, D. Grimekis, K. D. Panopoulos, D. Vamvouka, S. Karellas and E. Kakaras, "Circulating fluidized bed gasification tests of seed cakes residues after oil extraction and comparison with wood", Fuel, vol. 132, pp. 71-81, Sep. 2014. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2014.04.0122015-11-15
1178 S. Sfakiotakis, and D. Vamvuka, "Development of a modified independent parallel reactions kinetic model and comparison with the distributed activation energy model for the pyrolysis of a wide variety of biomass fuels", Biores. Technol., vol. 197, pp. 434-442, Dec. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2015.08.1302015-11-15
1179 D. Vamvouka, V. Tsamourgeli and M. Galetakis, "Study on catalytic combustion of biomass mixtures with poor coals", Combust. Sci. Technol., vol. 186, no. 1, pp. 68-82, 2014. doi:10.1080/00102202.2013.8463312015-11-15
1180 P. Tzeferis, ,C. Kavalopoulos, K. Komnitsas, "Production data and Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) for the Greek Mining/Metallurgical Industry in the period 2007-2011," in Proceedings 6th InternationalConference “Sustainable Deveoplemt in the Minerals Industry" (SDIMI'13),June-July.2015-11-15
1181 K. Komnitsas, D. Zaharaki, D. Vamvuka,"Factors affecting quality of compost produced from agricultural waste: assessment of risk," presented at Istanbul International Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater Congress , Istanbul, Turkey, 2013.2015-11-15
1182 D. Vamvuka, E. Karouki, S. Sfakiotakis and P. Salatino, "Gasification of waste biomass chars by carbon dioxide via thermogravimetry-effect of catalysts", Combust. Sci. Technol., vol. 184, no. 1, pp. 64-77, 2012. doi:10.1080/00102202.2011.6181522015-11-15
1183 K.Komnitsas, D. Zaharaki, "Establishment of weighted indicators for the evaluation of agricultural waste treatment technologies," presented at 4th international conference on Management of solid wastes in crisis: new challenges and prospects,Athens,Greece,2012.2015-11-15
1184 G. Bazdanis, K. Komnitsas, E. Sahinkaya, D. Zaharaki, " Removal of heavy metals from leachates using permeable reactive barriers filled with reactive organic/inorganic mixtures," in 3rdInternational Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics and SECOTOX Conference(CEMEPE '11), June.2015-11-15
1185 V. Kavvadias, A. Sarris, M. Doula, D. Zaharaki, D. Arapoglou, K.Komnitsas,presented at 2ndInternational Conference "Hazardous and Industrial WasteManagement",Chania, Crete,2010.2015-11-15
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