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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 991-1005 από 3002 αποτελέσματα
991 A. A. Katsanos, B. Katselis, and A. E. Aravantinos, "Analysis of copper alloys by proton beams", Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. Sect. B, vol. 15, no. 1-6, pp. 647-650, Apr. 1986. doi: 10.1016/0168-583X(86)90385-X2015-12-02
992 M. Pilakouta, A. Neskakis, K. Papastaikoudis, A. A. Katsanos, H. Wenzl, and K. H. Klatt, "Analysis of hydrogen depth profiles in a Ta-Ti sandwich film by the 15N reaction method" J. Less Comm. Metals, vol. 130, pp. 525-528, Mar. 1987. doi:10.1016/0022-5088(87)90151-22015-12-02
993 A. Perris, P. Pialoglou, A. A. Katsanos, and E. G. Sideris, "Biological effectiveness of low energy protons. I. Survival of Chinese hamster cells", Int. J. Radiat. Biol. Related Studies Phys. Chem. Med., vol. 50, no. 6, pp. 1093-1101, 1986. doi:10.1080/095530086145514812015-12-02
994 G. A. Mourkides, E. Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, A. A. Katsanos and P. K. Kakanis, "Elemental analysis of water and sediments by external beam PIXE part 4. Aliakmon River, Greece", Chem. Ecol., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 65-83, 1990. doi: 10.1080/027575490080359662015-12-02
995 E. Papadopoulou-Mourkidou, G. A. Mourkides, A. A. Katsanos and P. K. Kakanis, "Elemental analysis of water and sediments by external beam PIXE part 3: Axios (Vardar) River, Greece", Chem. Ecol., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 335-350, 1986. doi: 10.1080/027575486080807382015-12-02
996 G. A. Mourkides, A. A. Katsanos and M. Tzoumezi, "Elemental analysis of water and sediments by external beam PIXE part 1. Vegoritis Lake, Greece", Chem. Ecol., vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 245-259, 1983. doi: 10.1080/027575483080708082015-12-02
997 A. A. Katsanos, N. Panayotakis, M. Tzoumezi, E. Papadopoulou-Mourkidou and G. A. Mourkides, "Elemental analysis of water and sediments by external beam PIXE part 2. Industrial zone of Ptolemais, Greece", Chem. Ecol., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 75-100, 1987. doi: 10.1080/027575487080708352015-12-02
998 A. C. Xenoulis, C. E. Douka, T. Paradellis and A. Katsanos, "Stopping power effects in the determination of14N by a resonance reaction", J. Radioanal. Chem., vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 65-71, Mar. 1981. doi: 10.1007/BF025184112015-12-02
999 V. Papassotiriou, S. Georgala, J. Stratigos, N. Panayotakis, A. Hadjiantoniou, and A. A. Katsanos, "Trace elements in skin epitheliomas", J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 88-100, Jan. 1987. doi:10.1007/BF021175262015-12-02
1000 J. Grispolakis and E. Pitsiladis, "Theory of Potential Convergence – Applications in the field of Ordinary Differential Equations", Analysis, vol. 30, no 2, pp. 171-198, 2010.2015-12-01
1001 J. Grispolakis, "There are no periodic cycles on the boundary of Siegel Discs of rational maps",in Proceedings of the International Conference in memory of C. Caratheodory, 2000.2015-12-01
1002 J. Grispolakis, "There are no periodic points on the boundary of a domain of stability under some conditions on the critical points of a polynomial", in Proceedings of the Dubrovnik Conference in Topology, 1998.2015-12-01
1003 J. Grispolakis, "On the existence of periodic cycles on the boundary of a Siegel disc", in Proceedings of the 6th Conference in Mathematical Analysis, 1997, pp. 55-59.2015-12-01
1004 J. Grispolakis, "On the structure of the chaotic set of high degree polynomials of one complex variable", in Proceedings of the 2nd National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 793-800.2015-12-01
1005 J. Grispolakis, L. Oversteegen and J. Mayer, "Building-Blocks for Julia sets, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 351, no. 3, pp. 1171-1201, 1995. 2015-12-01
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