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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 1831-1845 από 3002 αποτελέσματα
1831 Ε.Ν. Mathioudakis , Ε. Ρ. Papadopoulou," Grid computing for the Bi-CGSTAB applied to the solution of the modified helmholtz equation", Int. J. of Applied Maths and Comp. Science, vol. 4,no. 3,pp 179-184, 2007.2015-10-29
1832 H. Rigakis, G. Liodakis, M. Vogiatzaki, J. Chatzakis, N. Lyberakis and M. Manitis (2007, Aug.).Test pattern designing software for electrical appliance testing platform. Presented at 7th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications. [Online]. Available: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
1833 Ε.Ν. Mathioudakis,E. Papadopoulou, Y.G. Saridakis, " Iterative PDE computations on a transputer based parallel computer", in HERMIS International Conference, 1994, pp. 441 - 448.2015-10-29
1834 Ε.Ν. Mathioudakis,E. Papadopoulou, Υ .G. Saridakis, "Iterative solution of collocation equations on a parallel virtual machine", in HERMIS '96 International Conference, 1996, pp. 246- 250.2015-10-29
1835 I. Vardiambasis, G. Liodakis, C. Petridis, M. Tatarakis and J. Kaliakatsos "Needs and examination of strategies for lifelong learning in engineering education," in 2007 mee. the grow. dem. for eng. and their edu. 2010-2020 Int. Sum., pp. 1 - 9. doi:10.1109/MGDETE.2007.47603872015-10-29
1836 Ε.Ν. Mathioudakis, Ε. Ρ. Papadopoulou , Υ. G. Saridakis, " Non-stationary iterative schemes for the solution of elliptic collocation systems ",in 4nd Hellenic - Europeαn Research on Computer Mαthemαtics and its Applications ,1998, pp. 1044-1051. 2015-10-29
1837 V. G. Mandikas , Ε.Ν. Mathioudakis .(2009). Parallel geometric multigrid schemes for hermite collocation finite element method.Presented at 9nd Hellenic-Europeαn Research on Computer Mαthemαtics and its Applications .[online].Available:http://www.aueb.gr/pympe/hercma/proceedings2009/H09-FULL-PAPERS-1/Mandikas-Mathioudakis-1.pdf2015-10-29
1838 V.C. Kelessidis, A.E. Dukler, "Modeling flow pattern transitions for upward gas liquid flow in vertical concentric and eccentric annuli," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 173-191, May. 1989. doi: 10.1016/0301-9322(89)90069-42015-10-29
1839 V. G. Mandikas, E.N. Mathioudakis, N. A. Kampanis , J. A. Ekaterinaris .(2010). High-order accurate numerical pressure correction based on Geometric Multigrid schemes for the incompressible navier stokes equations.Presented at Conference in Numerical Analysis.[online].Available:http://www.iacm.forth.gr/_docs/pubs/3/Kampanis/Personal_Website/NUMAN%202010%20Proceedings%20p149.pdf2015-10-29
1840 G. Liodakis, I.O. Vardiambasis,K, Vassilakis and J. Kaliakatsos,"Meeting the demand for broadband communications engineers: the role of academia," in 2007 Int. Sum. Meet. the Grow. Dem. for Eng. and Their Edu. 2010-2020, pp. 1 - 10. doi: 10.1109/MGDETE.2007.47603682015-10-29
1841 C. Tsingas, A. Vafidis and E. R. Kanasewich, "Elastic wave propagation in tranversely isotropic media using finite differences", Geophys. Prosp., vol. 38, no. 8, pp. 933-949, Nov. 1990. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2478.1990.tb01883.x2015-10-28
1842 A. Vafidis, F. Abramovici and E. R. Kanasewich, "Elastic wave propagation using fully vectorized high order finite-difference algorithms", Geoph., vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 218-232, Feb. 1992. doi: 10.1190/1.14432352015-10-28
1843 N. Dai, A. Vafidis and E. R. Kanasewich, "Wave propagation in heterogeneous, porous media: a velocity‐stress, finite‐difference method", Geoph., vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 327-340, Mar. 1995. doi:10.1190/1.14437692015-10-28
1844 A. Vafidis, G. N. Tsokas, M. Z. Loukoyiannakis, K. Vasiliadis, G. Vargemezis and C. B. Papazachos, "Feasibility study on the use of seismic methods in detecting monumental tombs buried in tumuli", Archaeol. Prosp., vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 119-128, Sep. 1995. doi:10.1002/1099-0763(199509)2:3<119::AID-RP6140020302>3.0.CO;2-12015-10-28
1845 G. N. Tsokas, C. B. Papazachos, A. Vafidis, M. Z. Loukoyiannakis, G Vargemezis, and K. Tzimeas, "The detection of monumental tombs buried in tumulii by seismic refraction", Geoph., vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 1735-1742, Nov. 1995.doi:10.1190/1.14439062015-10-28
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