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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 3376-3390 από 5816 αποτελέσματα
3376 Y. Maday, L. Machiels, A.T. Patera, D.V. Rovas.(2002).Blackbox reduced-basis output bound methods for shape optimization,Presented at Proceedings 12th International Domain Decomposition Conference .[online].Available:http://www.ddm.org/DD12/Machiels.pdf2015-10-17
3377 K. Veroy, D.V. Rovas, A.T. Patera ,"A posteriori error estimation for reduced-basis approximation of parametrized elliptic coercive partial differential equations:“convex inverse” bound conditioners," ESAIM: Control, Opt. and Cal. of Vari. ,vol. 8, pp.1007-1028.2002.doi:10.1051/cocv:20020412015-10-17
3378 C. Prud'homme, D.V. Rovas, K. Veroy, A.T. Patera ," A mathematical and computational framework for reliable real-time solution of parametrized partial differential equations," ESAIM: Math. Mod. and Num. Anal.,vol.36 ,no.5 ,pp. 747-771,2011.doi:10.1051/m2an:20020352015-10-17
3379 D.V. Rovas, L. Machiels, Y. Maday ," Reduced-basis output bound methods for parabolic problems," IMA j. of num. anal. ,vol.26,no.3 ,pp. 423-445.doi:10.1093/imanum/dri0442015-10-17
3380 Y. Maday, A.T. Patera, D.V. Rovas ," A blackbox reduced-basis output bound method for noncoercive linear problems," Studies in Math. and Its Appl.,vol.31,2002. doi: 10.1016/S0168-2024(02)80025-X2015-10-17
3381 D.J Holdych, D. Rovas, J.G. Georgiadis, R.O. Buckius ,"An improved hydrodynamics formulation for multiphase flow lattice-Boltzmann models,"Inter. J.of Modern Ph. ,vol.9 ,no.8 ,pp. 1393-1404,1998.doi:10.1142/S01291831980012662015-10-17
3382 L. Machiels, Y. Maday, I.B. Oliveira, A.T. Patera, D.V. Rovas ,"Output bounds for reduced-basis approximations of symmetric positive definite eigenvalue problems."Comp. Rendus de l'Acad. des Sc.Series I-Math.,vol. 331 ,no.2 ,pp.153-158,2000.doi:10.1016/S0764-4442(00)00270-62015-10-17
3383 K. Veroy, C. Prud’homme, D.V. Rovas, A.T. Patera.(2003).A posteriori error bounds for reduced-basis approximation of parametrized noncoercive and nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations.Presented at f the 16th AIAA computational fluid dynamics conference .[online].Available:http://augustine.mit.edu/methodology/papers/atpAIAA2003.pdf2015-10-17
3384 C. Prud’homme, D.V. Rovas, K. Veroy, L. Machiels, Y. Maday, A.T. Patera, "Reliable real-time solution of parametrized partial differential equations: Reduced-basis output bound methods," J. of Fluids Eng. ,vol.124 ,no.1,pp. 70-80,2001.doi:10.1115/1.14483322015-10-17
3385 I.E. Athanassakis, E.P. Papadopoulou , Y. G. Saridakis.(2013).Runge-Kutta and hermite collocation for a biological invasion problem modeled by a generalized fischer equation.Presented at 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences .[online].Available:http://www.tuc.gr/fileadmin/users_data/amcl-thalis/Images_PDFs/ICMSQUARE_FISCHER.pdf2015-10-16
3386 P. Stratis, Y. Saridakis, M. Zakynthinaki, E. Papadopoulou. (2013). ALOPEX stochastic optimization for pumping management in fresh water coastal aquifers. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences 2. [online]. Available:http://www.tuc.gr/fileadmin/users_data/amcl-thalis/Images_PDFs/ICMSQUARE_ALOPEX.pdf2015-10-16
3387 M. Asvestas, A. Sifalakis, E. Papadopoulou, Y. Saridakis. (2013). Fokas method for a multi- domain linear reaction-diffusion equation with discontinuous diffusivity. Presented at Proceedings of IC- MSQUARE Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Science. [online]. Available:http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/490/1/012143/pdf2015-10-16
3388 E. Mathioudakis, N. Vilanakis, E. Papadopoulou, Y. Saridakis. (2013). Parallel iterative solution of the hermite collocation equations on GPUs. Presented at Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering.[online]. Available:http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2013/WCE2013_pp1281-1286.pdf2015-10-16
3389 I.E. Athanassakis, M.Papadomanolaki, E.P. Papadopoulou , Y. G. Saridakis.(2013). Discontinuous hermite collocation and diagonally implicit RK3 for a brain tumour mnvasion Model.Presented at Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering .[online].Available: http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCE2013/WCE2013_pp241-246.pdf2015-10-16
3390 Y. G. Saridakis, A. Sifalakis , E. P. Papadopoulou, “Efficient numerical solution of the generalized dirichlet-neumann map for linear elliptic PDEs on regular polygon domains," J. Comp. & Applied Math.,vol. 236 ,no. 9, pp. 2515-2528, 2012. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2011.12.0112015-10-16
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