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Τελευταίες Υποβολές

 2686-2700 από 5816 αποτελέσματα
2686 R.C. Carlson, I, Papamichail, M.Papageorgiou. (2013, November).Controle integrado de acesso e do fluxo principal em rodovias (Integrated ramp metering and traffic flow control on freeways). Presenetd at Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa e Ensino em Transportes, Belém. Panorama Nacional da Pesquisa em Transportes 2013.[Online]. Available: http://www.anpet.org.br/ssat/interface/content/autor/trabalhos/publicacao/2013/155_AC.pdf2015-11-08
2687 L. Faulkner, F. Dekker, D. Gyles, I. Papamichail, M. Papageorgiou. (2014, January ).Evaluation of HERO coordinated ramp metering installation at the M1/M3 Freeway in Queensland, Australia. Presented at CD 93 rd Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. [Online]. Available: http://docs.trb.org/prp/14-0992.pdf2015-11-08
2688 K. Kalaitzakis, E. Koutroulis , V. Vlachos, “Development of a data acquisition system for remote monitoring of renewable energy systems”, Measur. , Vol. 34, no.2, pp. 75-83, Sept. 2003.doi:10.1016/S0263-2241(03)00025-32015-11-08
2689 V.S. Kouikoglou ," A note on the design of k-out-of-n systems," Microel. Reliability ,vol. 33,no. 3 ,pp. 445-445,1993.2015-11-07
2690 N.C. Tsourveloudis, V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis ," Fuzzy regression for the prediction of paraquat poisonings in Crete," Syst.Analysis Mod. Simulation, vol. 13 ,no.3-4,pp. 239-245,1993.2015-11-07
2691 V.S. Kouikoglou ," A two-stage production system with several modes of operation,"in First International Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Production Lines,1997.2015-11-07
2692 V. S. kouikoglou.(2001).An efficient discrete event model of unreliable production lines.Presented at 3rd Aegean International Conference on Design and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems.[online].Available:http://www.icsd.aegean.gr/aic2001/papers/Kouikoglou.ps2015-11-07
2693 S. Ioannidis, V.S. Kouikoglou ," Coordinated admission and inventory controls in a make-to-stock production system," in 11th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation ,2003.2015-11-07
2694 S. Ioannidis, V.S. Kouikoglou, Y. Phillis ," Analysis of admission and inventory control policies for make-to-stock production networks," in World Automation Congress, 2004 ,pp. 353-358.2015-11-07
2695 V.S. Kouikoglou, S. Ioannidis, G. Saharidis.(2005).Review of some queueing models for managing inventories,backorders,and quality jointly in stochastic manufacturing systems.Presented at Fifth International Conference on "Analysis of Manufacturing Systems - Production Management .[online].Available:http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Vassilis_Kouikoglou/publication/228584269__OF_SOME_QUEUEING_MODELS_FOR_MANAGING_INVENTORIES_BACKORDERS_AND_QUALITY_JOINTLY_IN_STOCHASTIC_MANUFACTURING_SYSTEMS/links/02e7e524fb653601aa000000.pdf2015-11-07
2696 Y. A. Phillis ,V. Kouloumpis, V.S. Kouikoglou ," Safe : a method for assessing sustainability and its application to sustainable decision-making ,"in 10th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology,2007.2015-11-07
2697 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis," Quantitative measures of corporate responsibility,"in 22nd European Business Ethics Network Annual Conference, 2009.2015-11-07
2698 S. Ioannidis, V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis ," Recent results in coordinated inventory, admission, and quality control of single part type manufacturing systems,"in World Automation Congress (WAC), 2010,pp. 1-6.2015-11-07
2699 Y.A. Phillis, V.S. Kouikoglou,"A system-of-systems approach to the analysis and conservation of biodiversity,in 2011 13th Intern. Conf.( ICEIS),pp.3-15.doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29958-2_12015-11-07
2700 V.S. Kouikoglou, Y.A. Phillis," Minimax design of two‐state k‐out‐of‐n systems," Ap. Stoch. Models and Data Analysis,vol. 9,no.3 ,pp. 245-250, 1993.doi:10.1002/asm.31500903052015-11-07
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