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 12706-12720 από 18746 αποτελέσματα
12706 V. Zania ,Y. Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos ," Effects of fault rupture propagation on earth structures," in 2008 Sixth Intern. Conf. on Eng. Computational Techn.doi :10.4203/ccp.89.1792015-10-08
12707 V. Zania ,Y.Tsompanakis ,P. Psarropoulos , "Seismic distress and slope instability of municipal solid waste landfills ,"J. of Earth. Engi. ,vol. 12 ,no. 2 ,pp. 312-340. doi :10.1080/136324607015746052015-10-08
12708 V. Zania ,P. Psarropoulos ,Y. Karabatsos ,Y. Tsompanakis ,"Inertial distress of waste landfills,"Comp. and Str. ,vol 86 ,no.7, pp. 642-651. doi : 10.1016/j.compstruc.2007.07.0112015-10-08
12709 V. Zania, Y. Tsompanakis,P. Psarropoulos, A. Papadimitriou," Mechanisms of landfills under dynamic Loading," in 2008 Conf. Geot. Earth. Engineering and Soil Dyn., pp. 1-10.doi: 10.1061/40975(318)1912015-10-08
12710 P.s Psarropoulos ,Y. Tsompanakis ," Stability of tailings dams under static and seismic loading," Can. Geot. J. ,vol 45 ,no. 5, pp. 663-675. doi: 10.1139/T08-0142015-10-08
12711 P. Psarropoulos, Y. Tsompanakis ,G. Papazafeiropoulos ,"Effects of soil non-linearity on the seismic response of restrained retaining walls ,"Struct. and Infr.Eng., vol.7 no. 12 ,pp. 1-12.doi: 10.1080/157324709034196772015-10-08
12712 Y. Tsompanakis ,N. Lagaros ,P. Psarropoulos ,E. C. Georgopoulos , " Simulating the seismic response of embankments via artificial neural networks " ,Advances in Eng. Soft., vol. 40 ,no. 8 , pp.640-651,2009.doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2008.11.0052015-10-08
12713 N. Lagaros ,Y. Tsompanakis, P. Psarropoulos ,E. C. Georgopoulos , "Computationally efficient seismic fragility analysis of geostructures ",Comp. and Struct., vol. 87 ,no. 19-20 ,pp. 1195-1203,2009 .doi : 10.1016/j.compstruc.2008.12.0012015-10-08
12714 D M. Frangopol ,Y. Tsompanakis ,"Structural safety [Special Issue: Optimization under uncertainty with emphasis on structural applications] ", Struc. Saf. ,vol. 31 no.6 ,pp.449-449,2009. doi : 10.1016/j.strusafe.2009.07.001 2015-10-08
12715 Y. Tsompanakis ," Vulnerability assessment of structures and infrastructures ",Struc. and Infr. Engineering ,vol. 6,no.1-2,pp.1-1,2010. doi:10.1080/157324708026637482015-10-08
12716 A. Kremen ,Y.Tsompanakis , " Application of dynamic programming to evaluate the slope stability of a vertical extension to a balefill", Intern. Solid Was.and Public Clean. Assoc. ,vol. 28,no.4,pp. 373-382,2010.doi :10.1177/0734242X093547672015-10-08
12717 V. Zania ,P. Psarropoulos ,Y.Tsompanakis ," Base sliding and dynamic response of landfills ",Adv. in Eng. Software vol.41,no.2,pp. 349-358.2010.doi :0.1016/j.advengsoft.2009.06.0122015-10-08
12718 Y. Tsompanakis ,N. Lagaros ,P. Psarropoulos , E. C. Georgopoulos ," Probabilistic seismic slope stability assessment of geostructures ",Struct. and Infrast. Engin.,vol. 6,no.1-2,pp.179-191,2010. doi :10.1080/157324708026640012015-10-08
12719 V. Zania , Y. Tsompanakis, , P. N. Psarropoulos ,"Seismic displacements of landfills and deformation of geosynthetics due to base sliding ",Geot. and Geom. vol. 28, no.6, pp. 491–502,2010.doi:10.1016/j.geotexmem.2009.12.0132015-10-08
12720 N. Kargas, F. Mavromatis and A. Bletsas, "Fully-Coherent Reader with Commodity SDR for Gen2 FM0 and Computational RFID", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, no.99, pp. 1, Sept. 2015. DOI: 10.1109/LWC.2015.2475749 2015-10-08
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